Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, February 21, 2013

17 Months

What a month! Over the last couple of weeks we have transitioned to one nap a day and Reed's vocabulary has exploded. The nap was a natural progression, it was hard for him to stay up that long in the morning, but if he took two naps I was either waking him up so that he didn't sleep too long or his morning nap was so long that he wasn't tired enough to want a second nap but was then completely miserable to be around in the evening. For awhile his morning wake-up time dictated if it was a two nap or one nap day, but then his body seemed to recalibrate and we've been on one nap a day for the last few weeks.

Reed's other big accomplishment this month has been talking. He's been adding 3, 4, 5 words a day to his arsenal. Some are harder to understand than others, but he is very clearly connecting the dots between an object and it's associated word all the time. This will be the last month I keep track of his "words" instead I will start to focus on his speech. This month I would say he can say almost any one syllable word either on his own or by mimicking us. There are a couple two syllable words that he has morphed into one syllable words and if we ask him to say a multiple syllable word he usually picks out one of the word's sounds and goes with that. A few times he has strung two words together to get across what he wants - "please eat" "mom cut" "more peas" "mom toes"

Our Little Mimic

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 25 lbs

Height: I attempted measuring him the other day and came up with 33 inches - but who knows!!!
Clothing Size: 12-18 month pants are still fitting but his tops and pajamas are all 18-24 months. 

Shoe Size: I just ordered a pair of size 6 shoes - he is squeezing into the size 5s until they arrive.

Teeth: 12 - 4 bottom/front, 2 bottom molars, and 4 top/front., 2 top molars. Last month I said it looked like his top canine teeth would be making an appearance soon, but we still haven't seen them.

Reed likes: Shoes, Soft Sheep, Pete the Puppy, and other stuffed animals, Signing Time DVDs, balls, anything that's in "his" kitchen cabinet, reading books, his pop-up tunnel, playing outside, his wagon, Dodger (all dogs for that matter), anything electronic he can take when Mom's not looking, going to gym class, bath time, his Cozy Coupe Car, his Grandma and Nonna, rocks, hats (when they are on someone else's head) and playing in puddles (especially when he knows he's not supposed to).

Reed dislikes: Sleeping in, having Mom cut a hole in his pacifier (oops, learned that one the really hard way), diaper changes, saying goodbye to Mom, being told no, and nasal aspirators.

Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Reed Reed, Buddy, Monkey, and Sweet Pea.

Favorite Foods: Applesauce, blueberries, grapes, pancakes, BREAD, muffins, AVOCADO, mushrooms, carnitas, dried cranberries, chicken, BANANA, oranges, whole pears and apples, sausage, steak, fish, graham crackers, snap pea crisps, smoothies, cheerios, peas, oatmeal, milk (likes rice better than hemp but drinks either happily), and anything that he can use as a "dip." Since he has started to get picky about veggies I bought some reusable "Little Green Pouch" squeeze containers that have worked great, Reed loves the fruit/veggie filled purees and he's good about not making too much of a mess with them if he gets hungry when we are in the car or out and about.

Foods he doesn't like: Broccoli, ground meats, tortillas, beans, rice, cauliflower, squash.

Words: Okay so I'm going to try to do this in alphabetical order by the correct spelling of the word, this is the last month I'm going to track this since I feel like I'm constantly making notes on my phone of what Reed is saying.

app (apple), cod (avocado), bah (sound a sheep makes, bawl (ball), baan/naan (banana), bas/bath, bee, bear, bares (berries), bi (bike), burd (bird), blares (blueberries), bok (block), boat, book, boom, bull (bowl), brea (bread), brrr, bwush (brush),  bus, buzz, bye, cap (clap), tar (car), tat (cat), cheng (change), chees (cheers or cheerios), chin, cow, tup (cup), cut, Dad, daw (dog), daan (done), daawn (down), eas (ears), eat, eeeh eeeh (sound a monkey makes), eye, ish/shish (fish), flouw (flower), flush (sometimes he says it slush), geeaff (girraffe), hand, hat, hi, horse, hot, huwt (hurt), in, hay (inhaler), pad (iPad), jack (jacket), keys, kick, nice (knife), knock, wid (lid), noow (meow), meth (mess), nilk (milk), mom, monk (monkey), moo, mo (more), mout (mouth), no, nose, ong (oink), on (he uses this for both on and off), onge (orange), Pa (Grandpa), pans (pants), paste (toothpaste), peas, phone, pig, pate (plate), pees (please), pum (plum), poop, potty, push, rab (rabbit), red, roar, rock (both the stone and the movement), run, sign, shafs (soft), choos (shoes), shouw (shower), sit (with an occasional "h" thrown in to make us look like bad parents), socks, pash (splash), tick (stick), sun, tea, dat (that), dis (this), time, toast, toes, taal (towel), tren (train), tees (trees), truck, turn, tweet, vroom, wa (water), woof woof, yeah, yuck, umm (yum).

Signs: I'm probably not going to keep track of these anymore either. Signing was a great way to help Reed communicate early on and we plan to continue to let him watch his DVDs, but with his vocabulary taking off the signs have definitely taken a back seat.
 Eat, more, finished, bird, dog, baby, milk, ball, flower, fish, sleep, book, car, play, shoes (looks like "more" though), potty (when he or Dodger go #2), hat, Dad, cat, water, bath, change, sit, orange, train, swing, banana, poop, red, please, rock, thank you, green, read, socks, clean, stop, Grandpa, wait, and fruit.

How Reed is sleeping: He goes to bed around 7:30pm, then he usually wakes somewhere between 6:00 and 7:00 am. He sleeps in a sleep sack, with a pacifier, Soft Sheep and Pete the Puppy. We also have a sound machine and a night light that goes off after about half an hour. A couple times a week he sleeps through the night, another 3 or so nights he just needs to be given a pacifier that has been pushed through the crib slats at some point, and then 1-2 nights it seems like he has had some kind of night terror because he wakes up screaming and won't let go of me when I come in to check on him. On those nights I usually end up rocking him back to sleep or letting him sleep in bed with us for a little bit. He is down to one nap a day. Going down around 11:30 and sleeping 2-3 hours. He went a week straight napping without a pacifier, but then had a streak of absolute meltdowns that I couldn't bear so I caved and decided to tackle the problem by cutting a small hole in the pacifier and gradually enlarging it until it became undesirable to him. Well apparently one small hole is undesirable and he lost it. Now he thoroughly inspects a pacifier before he'll accept it. I'm backing off for a week or two to lower his suspicions and then I'll probably try cold turkey at nap time again.
Favorite Moment(s):
Watching Reed's sense of humor develop this month has been so much fun. Now that he is talking more, I swear sometimes he is trying to make a joke. I'll catch him making a buzzing sound with his finger pointed, land it on his tummy, and start screaming/laughing. If I ask him what sound Dodger makes when he is hot he'll start panting and then chuckle about it. I was buying beer at the grocery store the other day and the bottles clinked together and Reed said "Dad" with the most devilish grin.  Unfortunately something else he finds really funny is throwing food off his tray when I'm not looking then saying "meth (mess)" shaking his head saying "no" and laughing.

Not that we are anywhere close to potty training, but now when he goes poop, he says "potty" and does the sign, then he says "cheng (change)." Sometimes I'll put the poop in the toilet and let him flush, he waves and says "bye bye" then puts the lid down runs to his stool to wash his hands.

01/25/13   First trip to the Zoo
01/31/13   Reed started napping without a pacifier (occasionally)
01/31/13   Reed figures out how to work a zipper on his lunch bag
02/02/13   Reed closes a door using the knob
02/08/13   Reed strings two words together "Please eat"

Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Mom + Reed = A Fun Weekend

Jon was out of town this weekend so Reed and I had to entertain ourselves. While I was sad that I wouldn't get a solo run in this week and we would be missing out on family time, I knew Reed and I would survive and hopefully have some fun in the process. The weather has been so nice the last few days that we spent a ton of time outside, he napped great, and was an overall pleasure to have all weekend. Not to say that there weren't a few moments of drama - a meltdown in the jogging stroller, a tumble off of a chair, and the messiest one man food fight I've ever seen - but all in all it was a great few days of Mommy and Reed (and of course Dodger) time. 

I'm apologizing now for the number of pictures I'm about to post. I tried to cut it down but I just couldn't. I can hear him giggling and shrieking with delight in all of them as he plays with his favorite things (balls, faucets/sprinklers/water, his car, cones, and rocks) . . .


Friday, February 15, 2013

Spreading the Love

I think I talked about it a bit last year, I've never really been into Valentine's Day, but I've started to find it a fun Holiday to celebrate with a little one. This year I even put a few decorations up around the house which I've never done before. Reed and I also spent an afternoon crafting and sent some cards to his Grandmas, Great Grandmas, Cousin, and a friend. I forgot to take pictures of our finished product before putting them in the mail, but I do have a pic below of our February clipboard which has his hands forming a heart - this was the main feature of the cards we sent. I also love that they are laying on top of my V-day card from my Dad.

On Valentine's Day we made a special trip to HMC to hand out roses to the ladies and share some Reed friendly brownie bites. The Little Man has been into his bow tie lately so he was sporting it once again. He was a huge hit, one of the ladies even said he brought a tear to her eye. Melissa was excited because when he saw her he called her "M." He even sent home roses for Allie, Laurie, Shannon, and Megan. We did make the trek to the back of the facility to give Amanda a rose and some brownies, but I was a bad Mom and forgot to take a picture of that delivery.

With Aunt Paula

With Auntie "M"
Reed received several very sweet Valentines in the mail as well as hand delivered earlier in the week. Mom and Dad got him a new tabbed board book and shoes (did I mention he's obsessed with accessories?) that we gave to him that morning. When we got home from HMC there was another Valentine delivery - a monkey from Nonna and Pepe.

The rest of our evening was pretty mellow but I decided Jon and I should take some pictures with our darling Valentine. Although none of them are frame worthy I think they do a great job expressing how much fun we have with our Reedster.


Fat Tuesday

This is the 6th February Jon and I have been in our house and I started the tradition of making Jambalaya on Fat Tuesday a year or two before we moved in. That means we are on our 7th or 8th year of our Cajun tradition. Another tradition for the month of February is my Dad's college roommate comes to visit and attend the Farm Show with my parents. We usually go to my Mom and Dad's for dinner while Albert is in town, but this year when my Mom called to invite us over I realized that the night that worked for them was the Jambalaya night. I was especially excited about it this year because I wasn't going to have to alter the recipe at all (it is sausage and chicken) for Reed which is a rare occurrence with special occasion recipes. Long story short, my parents joined in our Jambalaya tradition and we had a great evening catching-up with Albert, being entertained by The Monkey, and eating way too much food. To top it all off Reed LOVED dinner and ate a ton. He was great through the entire night, but was extra cute when his shoe obsession landed him walking around in Grandma's clogs and Grandma walking around in Grandpa's sneakers.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

I'm a Big Kid Now!!!

Sometimes when I take a moment to take a step back and really watch Reed I realize what a Big Boy he is becoming.  I snapped a few pictures to document a few of his newest "tricks."

Knocking on the Master Bedroom door in
the morning to wake Dad up

Brushing his teeth
Yesterday afternoon Heidi and Drake came by for a play date and we had so much fun. The age difference is disappearing so rapidly and the two boys were so sweet together. Drake is taking steps but not full-fledged walking yet so he thought it was awesome that he could hold onto Reed's back and get some assistance. The first time it happened the boys figured it out on their own, we tried to help recreate it for the camera but were never quite as successful. Reed was a great sport and would turn his back to Drake so we could place his hands on Reed's shoulders, it really was endearing.

Something else that Reed's been great about lately is taking things to other people when I ask. If I give him something for "Dad" or "Grandma" or "Miss Mariel" (his gym teacher) he happily shuttles the item to the person and has no qualms about giving it up, even if it's something like a beloved ball. I made a set of quilted letters for Drake (he turns the big 0-1 next week) and Reed nicely took the gift over to Heidi and Drake and patiently watched as she opened it.

Heidi and I both agreed future play dates are only going to get more fun!!!

The not so Super Bowl

The Super Bowl was not so great for a couple of reasons. First Jon is a longtime 49ers fan so obviously he wasn't happy with the outcome, secondly Reed was sick again and so I stayed home with him instead of us going to an awesome Super Bowl party at the Toms'. Jon went and had a great time, but felt bad and came home at half-time to watch the last part of the game with his family.

We don't really let Reed watch TV so having the boob tube on for five hours was really strange, especially when it was just the two of us home. Most of the time we played in the living room and kitchen and I would pay attention if either team got close to scoring. Since the Super Bowl and junk food go hand in hand I decided to try out a few Reed friendly recipes that I haven't had an excuse to make. I made nachos using nutritional yeast as the "cheesy" base, Rice Krispie treats using the soy-free Earth Balance spread, and we also tried out the Yonanas "ice cream" maker that we got from Nonna and Pepe for Christmas. Reed wasn't too sure about the nacho sauce but love the chips and other toppings, he thought the Rice Krispie treats and Yonanas were amazing.