The boys have never seen a movie in a theatre and they were playing the original Willy Wonka at the old Fox Theatre in Visalia so we decided a classic movie in a classic theatre would be a great first. Reed generally gets very scared and/or upset whenever we watch a movie. We are talking G/PG movies and we are also talking sobbing and screaming out. We talked to him quite a bit about the movie and told him a few spoilers just so he wouldn't be surprised. Both boys ended up loving the movie and informing us after that it was the best night ever!
Out of nowhere Kieran asked us to cut all of his hair off. He told us he wanted all of the hair in the front gone and when I showed him some pictures of kids with buzz cuts he told us that's what he wanted, but even shorter so that his hair, and I quote, "is just dots." Jon immediately got out the clippers and went to work. He did both kids and Reed told us it was fine but he wanted long hair again soon. Kieran on the other hand loved it, he kept staring at himself in the mirror and telling us how good he looked.
We had both sides of the family over for dinner on one of the Sundays and Zach fell in love with swimming with Grandpa. It was so cute to see how much he loved being in the water with him. Lyla has always had a special spot for Grandma Kelley and Grandpa Jay so it's so sweet to see Zach feel the same way.
If you've been around me at any point since last November you've probably heard me have a bad coughing fit (or ten). To make a very long story short for eight months the person that never goes to the doctor saw an online doctor, nurse practioner, doctor, doctor again, doctor again, switched doctors, then a pulmonologist. During this time the person that never takes medicines went on an antibiotic, followed by cough pills and nasal spray, then a steroid, then an inhaler, then had a chest x-ray, then blood tests, then a different inhaler, then another chest x-ray, more blood tests, then a CT Scan. Then things got scary because they found a large mass (5 cm), I saw a pulmonologist the next day, was told a biopsy needed to be done immediately, had to do a ton of blood tests, a breathing test, and then had the biopsy which I was put completely under for. Recovery after the biopsy was not great, I was basically in bed for an entire weekend, but the next week I found out I had bacterial pneumonia. I don't think anyone has ever been so happy to be told they have pneumonia! I have now completed a course of heavy duty antibiotics and my cough has completely disappeared. I also didn't realize how absolutely exhausted I had become and literally 48 hours into the antibiotics felt like a completely different person. The boys didn't really understand what was going on except that Mom was trying to figure out why she was coughing and that they got lots of cuddle and TV time. Jon also stepped up and helped a ton for three days at a time of year when he is already extremely busy.
In the middle of my health drama we still needed to get Reed to his allergist to see if we could move forward with a food challenge after a blood test showed that he may have outgrown his soy allergy. Unfortunately the skin test they performed showed that he still will react to soy so we are unable to move forward with the food challenge.
To lighten things up we met Grandma and G-Momma at Color Me Mine to do some painting. The boys had a great time making their creations. I have no idea how I failed to get a picture of Reed painting!
Auntie Laurie came to town and Grandma took the boys to the airport to pick her up. They were so excited to see her and made fun signs to surprise her with. She was so sweet and gave them dream catchers from Arizona for their bedrooms that the boys have since hung them in very special spots.
For more than a year my day off has been one of Auntie M's work days so play dates aren't really a possibility for us. When I found out she was having to switch around day care while Aunt Penny was on a vacation I immediately texted her and we were able to get the boys together that week at ImagineU and a lunch date after at Chipotle. I love seeing all four of our boys together and am always reminded of how much fun Melissa and I had together growing up. Ben and Kieran are especially sweet and are pretty inseparable when they are together.
At the end of the month some of our friends decided to go out for a family bowling night. We rented a few lanes and put the kids all on one lane. It was great because we were able to leave the bumpers and ramp set up and rotate through the kids while the adults played two full games and drank a few pitchers to boot. Reed wanted to roll the ball himself and actually did pretty decently despite quite unusual form. He's reading as I'm typing this and he wants me to make sure I say he got three spares.
Some of my friends from work asked if I wanted to come along for a paint night they had planned with Auntie M and of course I said yes. We had a great time having some drinks, eating yummy appetizers, and questioning what exactly we were supposed to be painting.