Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, February 26, 2012

5 Months

Wow, I feel like I just did Reed's 4 month post, the past month has flown by! We've been having so much fun with our little boy lately, he continues to amaze and humble us each and everyday. He is rolling over, likes having books read to him, figures out how to play with new toys everyday, is tolerating more and more time on his tummy, and, melt my heart, is becoming fast friends with Dodger.

The kid has also been having a fit anytime I eat in front of him lately and when he is in my lap he is constantly trying to grab things off of my plate. At the end of the month we decided that his interest in food warranted trying out solids. We skipped the traditional rice cereal and went straight for avocado and while he didn't chow down on it, he didn't mind it too much, and even grabbed the spoon and tried to feed himself. I think we will chalk that up as a success!

I'm going to try to start posting videos more regularly. Both, so you all can see Reed in action and to force myself to take more videos of the Baby Bear before he isn't a baby anymore. We just got a new camera and obviously haven't figured out the lighting settings yet, but I couldn't resist sharing this mini movie. So, without further ado, here is your video of the week - Reed eating solids for the first time!

Monthly Statistics

Weight:  17 lbs 6 oz

Length:   26.25 inches

Head Circumference:   16.75 inches

Clothing Size: Most 6 month outfits still fit him, but he has quite a few 9 month ensembles and pajamas that are in the regular rotation.

Can't live without: Baby Bjorn, BOB stroller, Baby DeeDee Sleeping Bag, Vulli Sophie Giraffe, Mam Pacifiers, 1-2-3 Crawl Along Snail, his bedtime books

Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Baby Bear, Buddy Bear, Cuddle Bug

Where/How Reed is sleeping: He still is flat on his back with his arms over his head quite a bit, but also popular are the side-lying and on his tummy positions.

Eye Color: Hazel with a ring of blue on the outside

Favorite Moment: Hands down the laughing is by far our favorite accomplishment of Reed's this month. Hearing pure joy in his giggles and seeing it on his face is the most amazing thing.

02/03/12   Reed's first Buchon St. Reunion
02/04/12   We start to hear Reed really laugh
02/07/12   Reed rolls over for the first time (back to front)
02/19/12   We try out solid foods (yay avocado!!!)

Embarrassing Picture:
Reed in his "girlie" sun hat

Monday, February 20, 2012

A Marathon Week

Last week I mentioned we had a big week ahead and I wasn't kidding, Monday was just your run of the mill day, but then . . .

My Dad's college roommate Albert Straus (of Straus Family Creamery) comes to visit every year in mid-February, the main reason being to attend the World Ag Expo (aka the Farm Show) and of course to catch-up with the Gillette's. Last year he was in town right before we went on a big vacation with Jon's Family. I was 8 weeks pregnant and we hadn't told anyone yet. We were planning on telling Jon's family during our trip, knowing they would figure it out if I wasn't drinking, and so wanted to tell my parent's right before we left. The night before we left we took Dodger over to their place and broke the big news. Since Albert was staying at my parent's house he got to share in the excitement and was sworn to secrecy for the next month. It was so fun to hang out with Albert for the evening and realize just what amazing changes have taken place in our lives in the last year!

Tuesday also happened to be Valentine's Day. Growing up I always had a Valentine, my Dad, every year he would give me a very sweet card and a box of chocolates. My Mom would do the same for my brother. I still get a Valentine's day card from him every year and I just love it. Besides this little family tradition I'm not much of a Valentine's Day fan, but I knew if I ever had a son he would be my Valentine (along with Jon and Doger of course).

On Wednesday night we hosted a Birthday dinner for Pepe at our house. Reed loves himself a good party and had so much fun hanging with the family while we all celebrated.

The Marathon Day during the Marathon Week! On top of feedings, naps, jogging, grocery shopping, and walking Dodger, Reed and I were running around all day long. First we started off by stopping by HMC, Thursday was Pepe's actual Birthday and we wanted to be part of the donut celebration.

Later in the afternoon we headed to Clovis. My good friend, and longtime running partner, Heidi just had a baby named Drake and I was so excited to meet the little guy. He slept for the whole hour we were there, but rumor has it he isn't much for open eyes during pictures anyway so we went ahead and got a snapshot of our new and improved running posse.

Thursday nights Jon plays in an indoor soccer league. The time of game varies widely, but when he has an early one Reed (aka Team Slizzard Mascot) and I try to go and root him on, usually Nonna and Pepe are there too. Win, Lose, or Draw the gang heads to BC's Pizza for pies and beer after the game. We definitely stay out past Reed's bedtime, but since we only do it once every 4-6 weeks we've decided that we are okay with it.

My good friend from Cal Poly, Sarah, her husband Dan, and their daughter Alyson have been trying to get up to Kingsburg to meet Reed for three months now. Finally they made it this weekend, although their trip was way to short it was great to see them, see how much Alyson has grown in the last 6 months, and of course to show off my baby boy! Hopefully it won't be another 6 months before these crazy kids get to see each other again.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Laughter is the Best Medicine

With a pretty hectic week coming up and a busy weekend last weekend this week has been pretty quiet. Reed and I went jogging a couple of different times (one time unexpectedly in the rain), I worked a few days, we ran errands, Reed improved on his napping abilities, but seems to have taken a step backwards in the nighttime sleep department, we got some good belly laughs out of the little guy, he got to spend quality time with all four of his grandparents, and most exciting of all he rolled over for the first, second, and third time!!!

Running is easy when this is your view!!!

On Saturday night my two good friends, Amanda and Lee, along with their hubbies came over for dinner. It was very sweet of them to make the trek from Fresno/Clovis to Kingsburg so Reed could join in on the fun. Our little guy behaved himself very well, made a few new friends, and went to bed without much protest so that I could get some baby free time in with my friends as well.

Reed thought Steve's beard was cool like Dad's

Phil and Reed bonded over their similar hairdos

Since this post is a little light on photos (and content) I thought I would share the gift of laughter with you, ENJOY!!!

Is there anything better than a kid's laugh?

Monday, February 6, 2012

Annual Buchon St Reunion

Last week was pretty mellow, at least until the weekend rolled around. On Monday Reed and I stopped by the office. We coordinated the visit with Janessa, who works at HMC and who also just had a baby. Her son Bradford was born at the beginning of December.

HMC Play date!!!

Now for the weekend . . . once a year we get together with my roommates from my Senior year at Cal Poly. We call it our "Buchon Reunion" because that was the name of the street we lived on. As the years have gone by we have collected boyfriends, husbands, dogs, and kids and added them all into the mix as well. We take turns hosting the big weekend and this year was our year. It's so fun to see how the boys have grown up in the last year and they were absolutely terrific with Reed.

Zachary, Keegan, and Reed Checking out the play mat engineering

Zachary practicing his Big Brother skills

Zachary loved Reed's Rainbow beanie

Keegan and Auntie Katie

Reed and Jonna

Just in case you were wondering what Reed was so distracted by . . .

Buster and Reed

Reed and Molly

Jon had lots of time to practice being a Dad to a "Big Boy" this weekend
Zachary, Mario, Keegan, and Jon playing soccer

Keegan was mesmerized by Jon playing the guitar

We decided we had to get a picture of all of the boys together to commemerate the weekend, there was a lot of noise making, name calling, and funny faces but Katie was able to snap a few classic shots. The scary part is this will only get harder as our brood gets bigger . . .