Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, February 26, 2012

5 Months

Wow, I feel like I just did Reed's 4 month post, the past month has flown by! We've been having so much fun with our little boy lately, he continues to amaze and humble us each and everyday. He is rolling over, likes having books read to him, figures out how to play with new toys everyday, is tolerating more and more time on his tummy, and, melt my heart, is becoming fast friends with Dodger.

The kid has also been having a fit anytime I eat in front of him lately and when he is in my lap he is constantly trying to grab things off of my plate. At the end of the month we decided that his interest in food warranted trying out solids. We skipped the traditional rice cereal and went straight for avocado and while he didn't chow down on it, he didn't mind it too much, and even grabbed the spoon and tried to feed himself. I think we will chalk that up as a success!

I'm going to try to start posting videos more regularly. Both, so you all can see Reed in action and to force myself to take more videos of the Baby Bear before he isn't a baby anymore. We just got a new camera and obviously haven't figured out the lighting settings yet, but I couldn't resist sharing this mini movie. So, without further ado, here is your video of the week - Reed eating solids for the first time!

Monthly Statistics

Weight:  17 lbs 6 oz

Length:   26.25 inches

Head Circumference:   16.75 inches

Clothing Size: Most 6 month outfits still fit him, but he has quite a few 9 month ensembles and pajamas that are in the regular rotation.

Can't live without: Baby Bjorn, BOB stroller, Baby DeeDee Sleeping Bag, Vulli Sophie Giraffe, Mam Pacifiers, 1-2-3 Crawl Along Snail, his bedtime books

Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Baby Bear, Buddy Bear, Cuddle Bug

Where/How Reed is sleeping: He still is flat on his back with his arms over his head quite a bit, but also popular are the side-lying and on his tummy positions.

Eye Color: Hazel with a ring of blue on the outside

Favorite Moment: Hands down the laughing is by far our favorite accomplishment of Reed's this month. Hearing pure joy in his giggles and seeing it on his face is the most amazing thing.

02/03/12   Reed's first Buchon St. Reunion
02/04/12   We start to hear Reed really laugh
02/07/12   Reed rolls over for the first time (back to front)
02/19/12   We try out solid foods (yay avocado!!!)

Embarrassing Picture:
Reed in his "girlie" sun hat

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