Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, September 17, 2012

Day in the Life of Reed

It's amazing to look back at these posts and see how much has changed in our day to day life in the last twelve months. This weekend I tried to document a typical Saturday. . .

5:45 am Reed wakes up

5:50 We do a diaper change, Reed nurses, and then we play in his room waiting for the sun to come up
6:20 Head out the door for a run
7:30 We're back and Reed plays in the kitchen while I put together his breakfast
7:40 Breakfast time (nectarine, homemade waffle with Earth Balance spread, and rice milk)

7:55 We play in the living room for about twenty minutes, then head to the back of the house to brush our teeth (we do this together every morning), change Reed's diaper, and read a couple of books
8:20 I lay Reed down for his nap, he fusses a bit and then falls asleep ten minutes later. Reed usually sleeps for about two hours, which is awesome, and lets me get a lot of stuff done. I was able to feed Dodger, change our sheets, do some laundry, take a shower, clean out the dishwasher, make a batch of bread dough, and pay bills. A lot of this I could do with Reed awake, but he makes it soooo much harder.

10:35 Reed is up. I change his diaper, put him in his clothes for the day, and offer him a glass of rice milk.

10:50 He doesn't seem too interested in the rice milk so we head outside to play before it gets too hot.

11:30 We've had enough of being outside so we head inside to play in the living room and wait for Dad to get home from work. Reed is more interested in a roll of paper than any of his actual toys.
11:45 Dad is home. Reed and I are both pretty excited to have someone new to play with!!!
12:20 Lunch time (homemade chicken tenders, rye toast fingers, marinara dipping sauce, and avocado)
12:45 Reed plays with me and Jon while I make our bed. Mom and Dad are pretty tired so we mostly take turns laying on the ground and letting Reed use us like Jungle Gyms while we chat
1:30 I lay Reed down for a nap and he falls asleep immediately
3:15 Reed is up. He watches the last fifteen minutes of the soccer game we had been watching.
3:30 Snack time (carrot muffin and defrosted pumped milk)
3:45 Reed is done snacking, so I take him out of his booster seat and get him cleaned up. As I carry him through the kitchen he spies the freshly baked bread on the counter and keeps pointing to it. He eats an entire piece, except for the bites he shares with Mom and Dad.
4:00 Diaper change. The boys are left to entertain themselves while I run to the store
4:45 I get home and Jon and I take turns keeping an eye on Reed and making dinner.
6:00 Family Dinner (BBQ pork loin, diced plums, sauteed eggplant and peppers, homemade wheat bread)
6:45 Jon gives Reed a bath while I clean the kitchen 
7:00 We take Reed into his room, do diaper, lotion, PJs, fluoride, teeth brushing, soft sheep, and pacifier then zip him up in his sleep sack.
7:15 Dad turns out the lights and Reed nurses
7:25 I lay my sleepy boy down and he falls right to sleep

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