It hardly seems possible that Reed is already 16 months old, between the Holidays, doctor appointments, a kitchen revamp in process, and a major battle with an icky cold - this last month slipped by too darn fast!!!
I know this is his outfit from Christmas, but I think he looks to darn adorable in it to not share again, I promise this is an updated picture from a few days ago.
Weight: 23.75 lbs (per the Doctor's office two weeks ago, I'm a little afraid he may have lost some weight while fighting his cold)
Height: 32.5 inches - that's right he's grown 2 inches since his first Birthday!!!
Clothing Size: 12-18
month pants fit perfectly, but the tops are getting a little short for our long-torsoed fella. I still squeeze him into them, but anything new is 18-24 months. All of his pajamas are 18-24 months.
Shoe Size: Size 5, but
they are starting to get snug
Teeth: 12 - 4
bottom/front, 2 bottom molars, and 4 top/front., 2 top molars. It looks like his top canine teeth are going to be making an appearance soon.
Reed likes: Shoes,
Soft Sheep and other stuffed animals, Signing Time DVDs, doing "cheers," playing with the Salad Spinner,
balls, reading books, his pop-up tunnel, playing outside, his wagon,
Dodger (all dogs for that matter), anything electronic he can take when Mom's
not looking, going to gym class, bath time, his Cozy Coupe Car, and his Grandma and Nonna.
Reed dislikes:
Sleeping in, having his clothes put on, getting his face and/or hands wiped off,
waking up from naps, diaper changes, saying goodbye to Mom, being told
no, nasal aspirators, and he seems to be fighting getting his teeth brushed more often than not.
Nicknames: Reedster,
Reedcito, Reed Reed, Buddy, Monkey, and Baby Bear.
Foods: Applesauce, blueberries, grapes, pancakes, bread, muffins, avocado,
mushrooms, carnitas, dried cranberries, chicken, bananas, whole pears and
apples, fish, sausage, steak, graham crackers, snap pea crisps, smoothies, pasta, puffins cereal, oatmeal, milk (likes rice better than hemp but drinks either happily), and anything that he can use as a "dip."
Foods he doesn't like: Broccoli, ground meats,
carrots, tortillas, hummus, beans, rice, cauliflower.
Words: Dad, daa
(Dog), boom, mo (more), daan (done), baa (ball), choos (shoes), chees (cheers and/or cheerios),
dis (this), dat (that), yeah, no, hi, mmmm (yum), mom, boo (book), kees (keys), peas, bre (bread), haa (hat), buurd (bird), ish (fish), ack (cat), cheeg (change). He's continuing to pick up sounds
too - vroom (for a car), woofroof (for a dog), nooow (for a cat), moooooo
(for a cow), ong (for a pig), eeehhh eeehhh (for a monkey), buzz (for a
bee), bah (for a sheep - he makes himself sound like an 80 year old smoker when he does it), rah (for a lion).
Signs: Eat, more,
finished, bird, dog, baby, milk, ball, flower, fish, sleep, book, car, play, shoes (looks like "more" though), potty (when Dodger goes and once when he went), hat, Dad, cat. When prompted
he will mimic signs for water, bath, and change.
How Reed is sleeping: Reed was heading towards one nap, but then he got sick, his nighttime sleep suffered and I moved him back to two naps a day. He's been back on one nap for the last four days and seems to be doing well. I've been putting him down around 11:00-11:30 and he sleeps for 2 to 3 hours. He goes to bed around 7:30pm, then he usually wakes
somewhere between 6:00 and 7:00 am. He sleeps in a sleep sack, with a pacifier
and Soft Sheep (and sometimes his puppy dog as well). We also have a sound machine and a night light that goes off
after about half an hour. The last two weeks he's been sick and struggling with breathing and coughing a bit. I've been getting up with him - some nights a few times just to help him find his lost pacifier and then other nights I've been up with him for hours at a stretch. I told myself that after New Years we would work on kicking the pacifier habit, but I'm leaving it be until he's well. Also, to be honest, he's ended up in bed with us on a few occasions, hopefully we aren't creating habits that are too hard to undo once he's well!
Reed's interest in words, sounds, and signs seems to be at an all time high. He has started to ask what certain things are by saying "dat" or "dis" and pointing. A few times he has tried to mimic what Jon and I have called the object. Watching him put two and two together has been so neat!
12/25/12 Reed's first time climbing up a whole flight of stairs - he did it probably a dozen time at Allan and Lynette's Christmas party
01/10/13 I was asking Reed to point to Mom and Dad and when I asked "where is Reed?" he pointed to himself
01/12/13 Reed signs "potty" after going #2
Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake: