Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A Day in the Life of a 15 Month old Reed

I haven't done one of these posts in a while. I plan on doing them every 3 or 4 months during Reed's second year, just to help document the transformation of our daily schedule. I was going to wait a few weeks to do this, but Reed is going back and forth between one nap and two and I wanted to keep track of what a two nap day looks like since that has been the usual for the last few months. Anyway here is what our Saturday looked like.

6:10 Reed wakes-up, I change his diaper, then he signs "milk" and I oblige him by pouring a sippy cup full of hemp milk

6:25 Reed and I sit down to breakfast. Most days I eat whatever I prepare for Reed. On this day it is rye toast spread with avocado and some blackberries. I usually try to talk about what we are going to do that day. I leave out words I know will excite him like "outside," "Grandma/Nonna," or "book," but in general try to have a conversation, all be it one sided, with him. After about 15 minutes I get up and clean out the dishwasher, pick-up the kitchen, and make a loaf of spiced pear bread. The whole time keeping an eye on Reed and obliging him when he signs "more."

6:55 Reed signs finished and says "daan." He plays in his kitchen cabinet while I clean up our breakfast dishes.

7:05 I notice an unmistakable smell and take the Little Guy back to his room for a diaper change. Since we are back there I brush his teeth, administer his inhaler, and change his clothes.

7:25 I leave him in his room to play independently

7:35 Reed finds me in the living room and wants me to play with his new toys from Santa.

8:00 Jon gets up (so nice having him home on Saturdays now), I pull the bread out of the oven, and leave the boys to play while I get a run in.

9:00 Jon gives Reed a snack, then changes his diaper.

9:15 Jon puts Reed down for a nap just as I get home. While the Monkey is sleeping I have a meeting with the guy that is replacing the cabinet fronts in our kitchen, pick up the house a bit, take Dodger for a walk, and pay some bills.

11:00 I wake Reed up knowing if he sleeps much longer he won't take a 2nd nap and it will be way too long for him to happily make it to bed time. I change his diaper and we read some books in his room.

11:30 We go outside to play, usually this means soccer balls and the wagon, but today our garage is filled with cardboard from Christmas gifts and he's getting a kick out of putting pieces of broken down boxes in the trash can - not complaining about this game!

12:00 We eat lunch. For some reason Reed's new favorite thing is to have Jon serve him food like a waiter and then say "Mmmm . . . Good Choice" the kid cracks up every time.

12:30 Done with lunch, Reed plays in his kitchen cupboard while I clean up.

12:45 Reed and I head to the grocery store where he is overly friendly - waving and saying "hi" to everyone.

1:35 We are home and I unpack groceries while Reed helps by stacking cans and boxes.

1:55 Time for Reed's 2nd nap. Diaper change, sleep sack, read a few books, and he is out. I'm fairly lazy - get a shower taken and watch tv with Jon.

4:00 Reed is still asleep (the prior few days have obviously taken their toll). I wake Reed up knowing if he sleeps much past 4:00 he'll have a hard time going to bed later.

4:10 Reed has a snack
4:25 Reed plays with toys in the living room

4:45 I notice another smelly diaper.

5:00 We go back out to the living room and Reed starts signing milk, I pour him a cup of rice milk and then start in on making the risotto we are going to have with dinner. He is in a foul mood and keeps trying to play with the knob on the stove, then I tell him "no," then he starts to cry, and then it repeats. Jon tries reading to him while I cook, but he's not having it. He calms down long enough to help me set the table - it is really cute - he takes the place mats over to the table every night for me, but then it is back to whining until dinner is ready.

6:05 We sit down to dinner and all enjoy Jon's barbecued chicken.

6:30 Jon takes Reed back and gets him ready for bath time. You can see the gymnastics we are privy to every night on the changing table. While I hate that part, the next step is pretty funny - Reed walking in the nude to the bathroom and then one by one throwing his toys into the tub. The bath is followed by another round of wrestling as we put him in his pajamas. The weird thing is he will stop and sit completely still for his inhaler and fluoride and then start right back up again as soon as they are done.

6:50 We let Reed watch a Signing Time DVD while I clean up dinner and Jon practices the guitar.

7:20 I take Reed back to his room and put him in his sleepsack. We read his quilted picture book that his Great Grandma Norma made him. His new thing is to give all of the pictures a hug by laying his head on the pages. It is adorable!

7:30 I lay him down and he quickly falls asleep. Thankfully he sleeps through the night, which hasn't been the case for the last two weeks - he must have known I was documenting his day!

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