I love this picture for so many reasons, but mainly because Jon looks scared, Reed looks mad, and I look hesitantly happy. I think that pretty much sums up our feelings on the situation quite well!!! Baby #2 is expected to arrive during the first week of November and in all honesty we are over the moon excited. When you ask Reed where the baby is, he lifts up his shirt, points to his stomach, and says "baby tum" - it's pretty precious.
I didn't really write at all about my pregnancy with Reed, but now that I blog regularly I'm sure pregnancy information will sneak in from time to time and I also plan on doing a couple posts dedicated to the new Little One as well as, drum roll please . . . Belly pics. Good God I know, but I plan on this being the last time I'm pregnant and I think it might be something I look back on years down the road and am happy that I did.
Here is a quick recap of what my first trimester looked like:
Week 4 - Long story short I take a pregnancy test, don't even wait to see the results, and am floored when I get out of the shower to see a positive result. I take two more tests during the week. I know it is pretty much impossible to get a false positive, but I'm in disbelief so I keep peeing on sticks.
Week 5 - I get a horrible cold/flu that knocks me on my butt. Reed is such a sweetheart he keeps bringing me his stuffed animals to cuddle with and if he sees my wet washcloth on the ground he picks it up and puts it on my forehead. This was a miserable week and on top of a high fever, congestion, bad cough, and body aches I had no appetite at all. It wasn't until the end of the week when some of my other symptoms had gone away, but my nauseousness and lack of appetite remained that I realized I was experiencing "morning sickness."
Week 6 - 11 - I never throw up, but am nauseous quite often, most food sounds horrible save, saltine crackers, oranges, really greasy/unhealthy foods (fries, burritos, pizza, hamburgers, etc.), and my old pregnancy stand-by from the first time around, cheese. Oddly enough my sweet-tooth completely disappears. For the first few weeks of sickness I have a hard time working out and also don't play outside with Reed nearly as much as I normally do, favoring laying down next to him to stack blocks, read books, etc. During week 9 we take a family trip to my Doctor's office and get to see Baby #2 dancing around. Towards the end of this five week period I start to have a few days here and there when I feel normal, and am hoping that my appetite and energy levels will get back to normal soon.
9 Weeks |
10 Weeks |
11 Weeks |
Week 12 - 14 - Although our parents have known for a few weeks, we've remained tight lipped with most everyone else. It is fun to start telling our friends and family our news. I also feel like my belly "pops" during this time period (this is weeks earlier than the first time around). During week 13 we get to see the baby on a 3D ultrasound and he or she looks healthy and even puts on a show for us sliding around my uterus and sucking his/her thumb. I still don't feel like myself but manage to sneak a few naps in here and there and otherwise just make the best of it. I also enroll in the same prenatal yoga class I did with my first pregnancy and am proud of myself for setting aside at least a small amount of time each week to focus on #2.
12 Weeks |
13 Weeks |
14 Weeks |
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