Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, September 1, 2013

A Day in the Life of an Almost 2 Year Old Reed

I wanted to document a typical day around our house one more time before the new baby arrives. Since we are so busy for the next two months, I decided a mellow Saturday would be a good day to do it. Here is a Saturday in the life of an almost two year old Reed:

6:05 I wake to Reed stirring in his room, I wait five minutes to hear him announce "orange light, wake-up" (his toddler light has changed colors) and then go in to say good morning. He immediately requests we read "George books" and I happily curl up with him to read some Curious George stories. When I return from a quick trip to the bathroom I find Reed amusing himself with the book.

6:45 Reed asks if Dad can read him a story and we all cuddle up in bed for one story before Jon heads off to work.

7:00 We say goodbye to Dad and I ask Reed what he wants for breakfast. His answer is "banana in big pieces and cheerios and puffins and milk and big pretzel." Breakfast is almost always Reed's choice so I oblige. After I'm done with my breakfast I tidy up the kitchen, clean out the dishwasher, and look up some vegan pie recipes to try out on Sunday.

7:40 I change Reed's diaper, get him dressed, do his inhaler, and brush his teeth. My new trick is to have him brush someone else's teeth while I brush his, today he selects C3-PO.
7:55 We head out to walk Dodger

8:30 We are back from our walk and decide to play outside before it gets too much hotter.

9:15 We head in the house and I start a load of laundry and turn on the dryer. Reed wants a snack so I give him some apple-carrot sauce I made earlier in the week and a few alphabet cookies at his request.

9:35 I lead Reed to his room where he plays independently while I fold clothes and put away laundry. As always he comes up with some good "looks" while I'm putting things away.

10:15 I tell Reed I'm all done and he decides piling stuffed animals on top of Mom sounds like a fun game.

10:30 I change Reed's diaper and then Jon gets home. We all hang out in Reed's room and he tries to put shoes on us and feeds us books (they are delicious by the way).

11:15 I go to the kitchen to make lunch.

11:30 I tell Reed his lunch is ready whenever he wants it and he immediately sits down and starts to eat some corn, a bit of plum, guacamole spread on toast, quite a bit of leftover lamb, and of course hemp milk.

12:00 The boys play in the living room while I clean up the kitchen. I join in for a bit, but hear the buzzer on the dryer and go to put sheets on our bed.

12:30 The Kooky Monster (the deliriously tired, yet hilariously funny kid my child turns into when he is sleepy) starts to come out and I know Reed is about ready for a nap. I change his diaper, read him a story, and lay him down.

12:50 Reed is asleep. I take a shower and decide to embrace this last free weekend of baby-less-ness by doing nothing. I take a short nap and read.

4:00 Since Reed has slept more than three hours I decide to wake him, knowing if I don't, bedtime will be impossible. He immediately wants to play "bad guys, good guys" (his Star Wars characters) and have some milk. He hears Jon playing guitar and leads me to the office to check out the noise. We all hang out in the office listening to Jon play guitar, then Reed requests a turn at the drums, and we finish up our time in the office by letting him doodle with highlighters on scrap paper.

5:00 I take Reed into his room and we do a quick clean up of the day's activities. We head to my closet so I can get dressed (did I mention this was a really lazy day?) and Reed smashes his finger in the door. He's never done this before and while he does dissolve into tears for a few minutes, he quickly recovers and we head out the door for dinner. I recently realized that I haven't posted a video on here in forever so here is a glimpse of Reed waiting for his dinner to be prepared (a sauce-less, cheese-less pizza he goes crazy for).

6:45 We get home and Reed asks if he can have some "sauce," he selects a broccoli applesauce and dances around the kitchen like a crazy man. I decide to get him in the bath and try to mellow him out a bit.

7:10 He's out of the bath, has had all of his medicines, brushed his teeth, and has his pajamas on. We are talking about what books to read when he requests to go potty on the big boy potty. This is a totally new thing, but we decide to just go with it and whatever happens, happens. After a few minutes of grunting and groaning he suddenly starts peeing. As Jon said, there has never been a Mom so excited to be covered in pee. We do high-fives over this big boy accomplishment and Jon takes Reed to get cleaned up while I mop myself and the bathroom floor up.

7:25 We read a book and say goodnight. When we lay him down he requests "no sleep-sack." We know this means trouble (and usually an hour of tossing and turning before he gets to sleep), but again this is something he's going to have to do sooner than later so we tuck him under his two favorite quilts and give him kisses goodnight.

8:25 Reed is still not asleep and has now started to cry (not normal). I go in to his room and attempt to put the sleep-sack on to great protest. He has a complete meltdown and only calms down once we go in the kitchen and get a cup of milk.

8:45 I let him lay on me in his chair for awhile and then put him down in the crib again. He gets pretty upset and I tell him I just need to go to the bathroom and will leave his door open while I'm gone. He lays in his bed calmly and doesn't make a fuss (I watch on the monitor). By 9:05 he's sound to sleep.

5:20 Reed is up and crying for me. I go in to his room and he is in tears. This has happened a few times in the last two weeks and I think he might be getting his molars in because he's usually grabbing at his teeth and complaining about something hurting. I give him a few hugs and ask him to lay down and try to sleep since his light is still blue. He lays in bed rolling around and talking to himself until at exactly 6:10 when he declares "orange light, time wake-up!!!!!" and we start all over again.

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