Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Christmas Day

If you didn't notice in the previous post it will start to be obvious with this one . . . with each successive Christmas celebration I took less and less photos! Before I get to Christmas Day I guess I should wrap up Christmas Eve. We got home gave the boys quick baths and put them in matching pajamas (I know, I know, but they looked so cute).

Reed really got into the idea of Christmas this year. We talked about the baby Jesus, did an activity based advent calendar, and read lots of stories about Santa Claus and his reindeer. He was sooooo excited to leave Santa some snacks before heading to bed.

Christmas morning Reed woke at his normal, early, time and wanted to check out what Santa had left him. He even told us he had heard a sound during the night and he thought it was probably Santa. He was a little disappointed that Santa hadn't eaten every last crumb off of the plate we left him, but quickly got over it when he saw the goodies in his stocking. Mid-morning Nonna and Pepe came over to say hi and play with the boys. Pepe was a sweetheart and took our annual "pajama pictures" for us.

We put Reed down for an early nap, tried to pick up the house a bit, and got ready to head to Uncle Mark and Aunt Penny's. We got to hang out with everyone and I ended up having two free hands most of the afternoon as the kids were passed around.

Reed and Grand-Aunt Laurie
Kieran and Auntie M

Grandpa and the Kiddos
We had a great dinner, sitting at the kids table with Reed, Kieran, Annaliese, Grandpa, and Kari. After dinner we did a White Elephant style gift exchange and then got on the road. As we drove to Jon's Aunt Margie's house Reed pleaded to just go home. We debated on if we should even be dragging the boys to another spot, but decided we really wanted to see everyone. As soon as we got there Reed made a bee-line for Nonna. He went back and forth between the two of us for about 30 minutes and then it was like a switch flipped and he was super talkative and interacting with everyone. We participated in another gift exchange and Auntie P took over Kieran duty for awhile.

We would have loved to have stayed longer, but decided that we should get the boys home. This year was another great "Christmas Marathon" for the McClartys. I think the only thing we would change is being able to spend more time with everyone!!!

Monday, December 30, 2013

Christmas Eve

The morning of Christmas Eve we went to Nonna and Pepe's for breakfast and to exchange gifts with them as well as Auntie C and Tio. There was an abundance of food, presents, and love. We had a great time and I even remembered to get a few family shots in front of the Christmas tree.
**Adorable Outfit credits: Reed's was a Birthday gift from G-Momma and Kieran's is a hand-me-down originally gifted to Reed by Pepe and Nonna**

After Christmas round 1 we dashed to Grandma and Grandpa's for round 2. Reed was super excited to play with Annaliese, G-Momma, and Grandpa outside. We all ate lunch and then the kiddos went down for naps. They both took fairly short naps so we started opening presents before dinner. This turned out to be a really good idea as there were a TON of presents and it took us quite awhile!!! Reed was only into gift opening for about 2 seconds and instead decided to play with his new barn and Annaliese's tea set and let Mom and Dad do the gift opening instead. We were all spoiled rotten by one another and finished the night off with the wonderful tradition of G-Momma's minestrone soup for dinner.

Two Birthdays equal a Christmas Sandwich

I've talked about it in years past, Nonna's Birthday is December 24th and Papa's Birthday is the 27th. This makes the week of Christmas even busier for us, but the celebrations are always wonderful. We decided to celebrate Nonna's a few days early this year and enjoyed a quiet evening with a delicious meal prepared by Pepe. Reed and I made special cupcakes (allergy friendly) for Nonna and he was pretty excited about the lego candles he picked out for them. I was busy walking the platter into the family room and completely failed to see Kieran's reaction to the flames. I'm so glad Jon got a shot of his expression, it's priceless.

On Friday we headed back to Nonna and Pepe's to join Papa, Gran, Benny, Aunt Di Di, and TJ to celebrate Papa's Birthday. This year we didn't make it to Gran and Papa's to celebrate Christmas so we exchanged Christmas gifts before dinner. TJ was also a big hit with Reed, reading a bunch of books with him. Pepe outdid himself with a delicious dinner and we all enjoyed spending time together. After dinner Reed helped Papa open his gifts and blow out candles on his pie. His experience opening gifts apparently has translated to a new job - wine opener!

Saturday, December 28, 2013

Catch-up: Introductions

Before I attempt to recap all of our Christmas festivities, I thought I would share some pictures of the people Kieran has been introduced to over the last couple of weeks. There are quite a few other friends and family that have had the pleasure of meeting him, but I've put being a Mom ahead of being an amateur photographer so unfortunately that means some moments haven't been captured - I guess they'll just have to come back for another visit!!!

Two weekends ago Kieran, Grandma, and I made a speed run to the coast for the afternoon to surprise Aunt Kari for her Birthday. Kyle and Kari are expecting #2 in February so it was so neat to share Kieran with them and think how once again these cousins are going to be so close in age. Annaliese was really into helping me with Kieran and was a great diaper changing assistant and car seat buckler!


The next day we were happily surprised to find out Tio's Mom, Marty, was going to be joining us at dinner. Of course she had to get a little K-Man cuddle time in herself.

Then last week a few of our out of town friends were home for the Holidays so we had dinner with Clint one night and Jon organized a soccer game and football party on Saturday. Baby Eden (and Mason and Laura) came by and I actually remembered to snap a picture of the future classmates together.

G-Momma got into town over the weekend so on Monday the boys and I headed to Grandma's house to spend the morning with her (and Kyle, Kari, Annaliese, Peter and Laurie).

We jumped around quite a bit on Christmas but I was able to capture at least a few of the important introductions that took place. Kieran got to meet his Great Papa Dean and Hunky Greg's girlfriend Jackie.

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

A Day in the Life of . . .

I did quite a few of these posts over the last two years and I always find it interesting to look back on what my days looked like months earlier. Now with two kiddos it is pretty rough to keep track of a day, let alone take pictures, but I really doubt I will remember what our days were like in the beginning of Kieran's life if I don't document it here. So here is a day in the McClarty house with a 2.25 year old toddler and a 6 week old baby.

1:00 am Kieran wakes for his first feeding overnight. I change his diaper, re-swaddle, and nurse him. He is back asleep by 1:30 am.

5:00 am Kieran is awake again and I hear Reed crying. Jon goes in to check on him, he asks for his pacifier (this is the first time he's asked for it in over a week). Jon tells him he doesn't know where it is and Reed lays back down. Kieran nurses briefly, I change his diaper, and lay him in the swing that is in our room. I quickly change my clothes and jump on the stationary bike. Reed is awake and talking to himself while laying in bed.

6:00 am Reed announces that it is "wake up time" because his light has changed colors. I go into his room give him hugs, change his diaper, and he requests we make something. We head to the kitchen and whip up a batch of pear muffins. While they bake Reed drinks some hemp milk and eats some leftover batter. I clean up the mess we've made, feed Dodger, clean out the dishwasher, and put away my workout stuff.

6:55 am Reed and I eat muffins.

7:15 am Reed announces he wants to wake-up Dad and is disappointed when we go into our room to find Dad is already up and in the shower. Kieran lets out a couple of cries so I pick him up and he almost immediately goes back to sleep. I lay him back in the swing. Reed asks Dad to put him in the pack 'n play (which is awesome because now he is happy and contained), I brush his teeth, get him dressed, and administer his inhaler. We say goodbye to Dad. I continue being productive by brushing my teeth, put away laundry from the day before, and pick up the house a bit.

7:55 am Kieran is up and I nurse him in our bed while Reed hangs out with us and we read books together.

8:15 am I change Kieran's diaper. Reed asks if he can hold Kieran so I help him, then we ask Siri to show us pictures of marine life on my iPad while Kieran has tummy time.


8:30 am Reed gets upset because I don't know what the "Elephant Sheep Song" is that he keeps requesting. We head to Reed's room to play with legos. Kieran gets fussy so I leave Reed to play by himself while I walk around the house bouncing Kieran.

8:50 am Kieran pees through his diaper and pajamas so I change his diaper and outfit. We go back into Reed's room and play while Kieran hangs out on Reed's bed and then my lap.

9:15 am I get the three of us layered in coats and hats and head out the door to walk Dodger. Kieran falls asleep pretty quickly in the carrier and Reed keeps himself busy by eating a granola bar and chatting with me.

9:55 am Since it is finally a bit warmer we stay outside and play with the soccer ball, sidewalk chalk, and Reed's favorite - his water bottle. Kieran continues to nap in the carrier.

10:30 am We head in the house and wash our hands. Kieran wakes and wants to nurse. I let Reed watch one of his favorite shows (Perro y Gato) while I feed the baby. Mid-feeding Kieran needs a diaper change and then mid-change Grandma calls. I make my way back to the living room and Reed announces he's pooped. I let Kieran finish nursing.

11:10 am I put Kieran in the bouncer and change Reed's diaper. Then I make our lunches.

11:30 am Reed has spaghetti with a turkey/marinara sauce and a Satsuma.

11:45 am Reed is still eating, but I'm finished with my lunch. I clean up the kitchen and pack up two separate diaper bags and a snack for Reed for later while he finishes eating.

11:55 am Reed is done eating. I clean him up and we head to his room to read two books and tuck him in. Kieran has fallen asleep in the bouncer.

12:10 pm Reed is almost asleep when the postman rings the doorbell. He gets upset so I go in and tuck him back in. I do a leg workout while he squirms around in his bed. Since Kieran is still asleep I jump in the shower.

12:45 pm I get out of the shower, confirm that Reed is asleep, get dressed, talk to a grower on the phone, go through the Christmas presents that have been delivered, and write some thank you notes.

1:45 pm Kieran is stirring so I pick him up and relax in a chair as he settles back down.

2:10 pm Kieran is awake and wants to nurse.

2:35 pm Kieran is done nursing, I change his diaper, and make myself a cup of tea. I put K on his play mat and then when he gets frustrated he plays in my lap.

3:10 pm Jon texts that he will be home soon and Reed wakes up a few minutes later. He gives me a big hug and then lets it be known that he's in a bad mood. I put Kieran in the bouncer again so I can change Reed's diaper and try to calm him down.

3:45 pm Jon is home. He gets Reed and his stuff and they head out to get Jon an allergy shot, donate a toy to Toys for Tots, and then go to Reed's Little Gym class. I go around the house and set out pajamas, close curtains, turn on night lights, and offer Kieran a chance to nurse, then change his diaper.

4:15 pm K and I head to the UPS store to mail some packages then get some gas before we head to Fresno.

4:45 pm Kieran is asleep in the car. We get to Whole Foods and Kieran puts up a huge protest to the carrier, which is unexpected. I rush around the store and while at the checkout counter I figure out why he's upset when he fills his diaper.

5:30 pm I change K's diaper and let him nurse in the car. Then we head into Chipotle to get dinner for my other Guys.

6:00 pm Reed and Jon pull into the parking lot and jump in my car. They head home (with a screaming baby) while I take Jon's car and meet Amanda and Lee for Lee's Birthday dinner.

6:45 pm The boys arrive home and eat dinner. Kieran is pretty fussy throughout the meal.

7:15 pm Jon gives K a bottle and then gives R his medicines, changes his diaper, puts him in his pajamas, and brushes his teeth while Kieran hangs in the bouncer again.

7:30 pm Jon reads a couple of books to Reed while Kieran lays on Reed's bed. Jon says goodnight to Reed and then changes Kieran's diaper - referred to as an "explosion" by Jon.

7:45 pm Reed is asleep and Kieran is again pretty fussy. Jon walks, bounces, burps, bounces, rocks, bounces, K.

8:30 pm I get home and nurse Kieran, change his diaper, and swaddle him.

9:00 pm Lay him down, he is immediately asleep.