Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, December 30, 2013

Two Birthdays equal a Christmas Sandwich

I've talked about it in years past, Nonna's Birthday is December 24th and Papa's Birthday is the 27th. This makes the week of Christmas even busier for us, but the celebrations are always wonderful. We decided to celebrate Nonna's a few days early this year and enjoyed a quiet evening with a delicious meal prepared by Pepe. Reed and I made special cupcakes (allergy friendly) for Nonna and he was pretty excited about the lego candles he picked out for them. I was busy walking the platter into the family room and completely failed to see Kieran's reaction to the flames. I'm so glad Jon got a shot of his expression, it's priceless.

On Friday we headed back to Nonna and Pepe's to join Papa, Gran, Benny, Aunt Di Di, and TJ to celebrate Papa's Birthday. This year we didn't make it to Gran and Papa's to celebrate Christmas so we exchanged Christmas gifts before dinner. TJ was also a big hit with Reed, reading a bunch of books with him. Pepe outdid himself with a delicious dinner and we all enjoyed spending time together. After dinner Reed helped Papa open his gifts and blow out candles on his pie. His experience opening gifts apparently has translated to a new job - wine opener!

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