Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mountain Retreat

My parents took a mini-vacation up to their cabin last week and the boys and I decided to impose on them for one of the days - I don't think it bothered them too much! Kieran fell asleep on the drive up the hill and stayed asleep when I got him out of the car seat and into the carrier. Reed was eager to do some more "hard hikes" like we did back in October so after balancing on a few logs and exploring with Grandma, he and Grandpa led us on a walk down to the creek. This was his first legitimate hike including climbing over a log, finding a bird feather, and being told about 100 times to look where he was walking.

We decided to head inside for some snacks and to relax a bit. Kieran stayed asleep when I took him out of the carrier, but soon decided he needed to eat too. Grandma and Grandpa finished the game we had started with Reed and then Grandpa showed Reed how to make a paper helicopter. This was a huge hit with the Kiddo. After I got done nursing, Kieran worked his charm on his Grandparents and they kept switching off holding/playing with him.


Grandma made us a yummy pasta lunch and we had so much fun hanging out. The only bad part of the trip was that Reed was so excited he just wouldn't take a nap. Finally I gave up on him sleeping, let him play a bit more with his Grandparents, and then we headed back down the hill. The timing worked out great because Kieran was ready to nap again so both kids were sound to sleep for almost the entire drive home.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Reed Says . . . December 2013/January 2014 Edition

I keep thinking I won't have anything new to say about Reed developmentally, but he is still constantly changing. In the last month he has started to show an interest in using the toilet and has successfully gone #2 half a dozen times. We aren't doing anything more than reminding him once or twice a day that if he has to go potty he can tell Mom or Dad and we will take him to the Big Boy Potty. I'm really trying not to force it on him, but it would be so nice to have only one in diapers! His imaginary play is constant and he loves declaring different things the Mom, the Dad, the Brother, or the Sister. He continues to be a great Big Brother most days and rarely protests to me needing to do something with Kieran instead of him. Here are a few choice things we've caught coming out of the Monkey's mouth in the last few weeks:

One day Jon was doing something in the kitchen, Reed climbed up on his step stool, patted Jon on the back, and said "Dad, you're fat!"

On Christmas morning Nonna and Pepe stopped by for a bit. When Pepe walked through the front door he said "merry Christmas!!!" Reed's response was "no, not merry Christmas, baby Jesus' Birthday!!!"

One of the first times Reed successfully used the toilet I asked if he was all done and he said "I pooped two chunks out of my body."

I was setting up a board game for the two of us to play and asked who should go first. Reed responded "I'm finking Reed."

Over Christmas we let Reed watch the Sound of Music, he has become obsessed with the "Doe Song" and is constantly trying to sing it. One day out of nowhere he sang "Doe, Ray, Meatballs, and Pasta." He then dissolved into laughter and declared "Kieran thought that was funny."

Kieran's been either completely naked or in long sleeve shirts since we brought him home. One day I put him in a short sleeve onesie and when Reed saw him he said "Kieran's arms are nudey."

After the holidays Reed came down with a nasty cold. After one particularly bad coughing fit I said "I know it doesn't feel good, but coughing can help break up all that yucky stuff." Reed countered with "how you put it back together?"

One day I was nursing Kieran with a nursing pillow under him. Reed came up and pointed to the portion of the pillow that supports my back and said "that's Mom's ginis (think vagina/penis). Mom poop and pee out of her ginis."

I can't remember what I made the face about but I did an over exaggerated frown to which the Kiddo said "you doin' your face the wrong way!"

Friday, January 17, 2014

This and That

A few days after New Years Jon's college roommate Adam, his wife Marli, and their 2.5 year old son, Cole, stopped by our house on their long trek from Northern California back home to Southern California. Of course they got to meet Kieran and of course I failed to take any pictures! I did however manage to get the camera out when the boys donned cowboy hats and took turns riding "Rody."

Last weekend we celebrated Christmas for the seventh and final time with my Dad's Dad's side of the family. This was the first time Great Grandma Didi or Grand Aunt Jana had the opportunity to meet the Little Guy and they were both so thrilled to finally get to hold him.


Sunday, January 12, 2014

Who Does Kieran Look Like?

I did a similar post for Reed a little over two years ago. Using the same pictures of myself and Jon and some snapshots we've taken of Kieran over the last few months I thought it would be fun to recreate and see the similarities (if any) between K and his Mom and Dad. You can also follow the link above to see Reed at this age and in these same poses.

Sarah and Kieran getting their diapers changed

Jon and Kieran relaxing

Sarah and Kieran with their Dads

Jon and Kieran rocking red hoodies

All of us with our Mommies

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Two Months

What a difference a few weeks make!!! Over the last month we've had the pleasure of watching Kieran hit some milestones, become more and more of his own person, and of course worked through a few rough patches as well. He continues to be a delightful baby and although we are ages away from a reliable schedule he has become more and more predictable. Basically Kieran nurses, is up for 1 - 2 hours, takes a nap for 30 minutes to 2 hours, then wakes and we start the whole process over again by nursing. He is now sleeping in the crib in his room (as opposed to a swing in our room) and has gone as long as five hours straight of sleep at night, but more typically is around 3.5 to 4 hours.

Around the five week mark he developed a rash like thing all over his face and seemed really cranky. It was definitely more than your typical baby acne. His pediatrician recommended mild soaps, extra laundry rinses, special lotion and all of the other stuff we were already doing regularly because of Reed's history with allergies. I had been eating dairy so I asked about eliminating that and the Nurse Practitioner agreed it might be a good idea to see what happened if I went off of all of Reed's allergens. Well the good news is our clear skinned, happy baby returned in about a week's time but that means I've had to maintain a pretty special diet. In the coming weeks I will probably start to add one allergen at a time back into my diet to see if we can isolate the trigger(s) and go from there.


Kieran loves to stand supported and will bend his knees and then push up - "jumping" with our help. He thinks this is the absolute best and is also really fond of laying on his back and staring at ceiling fans and lights. He dislikes being held like a baby and would rather you carry him draped over your shoulder or with his butt against your hip with him facing out.

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 11 lbs 10 oz

Height: I'm going to leave this to the nurses and will have an updated number next month

Clothing Size: 0-3 month or 3 month outfits and pajamas.
Kieran likes: Being held, staring at anything on the ceiling or hanging above him, his car seat, taking baths, looking in mirrors, the baby carrier, Mam pacifiers, bouncing, and nursing
Kieran dislikes: Having a wet diaper, having his clothes changed/taken off, not being able to move his arms in the swaddle, and being held like a baby.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K-Man, Kierito (thanks Shannon), Buddy Bear, and Birdy.

How Kieran is sleeping:  He has been going to bed around 8:30 or 9:00pm and sleeping for about 3.5 or 4 hours (waking a little after midnight). He nurses, I change him, and he is back asleep in about 30 minutes total. He then wakes again about 3 hours later and we repeat the process, and then again 2.5 to 3 hours later, waking somewhere around 6:00 or 6:30 am. During the day he is awake usually for stretches of 1.5 hours and then naps for around an hour, averaging around 4 "naps" a day. He now sleeps swaddled in his crib at all times unless he falls asleep in the car seat, carrier, or in our arms while we are out.
Favorite Moment: Watching his face light up when he gets a glimpse of a mobile, fan, mirror, or toy is great and his squeals of delight are so neat.
12/09/13 Grandma and Grandpa babysit during our work Christmas party - this is the first time both Mom and Dad have been away at the same time
12/14/13 Kieran goes on his first road trip - accompanying Grandma and Mom to the Central Coast
12/16/13 Kieran begins reaching out for objects
12/18/13 We hear K's first squeals and squawks
01/02/13 Kieran spends all night in his own room

 Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake: