One day Jon was doing something in the kitchen, Reed climbed up on his step stool, patted Jon on the back, and said "Dad, you're fat!"
On Christmas morning Nonna and Pepe stopped by for a bit. When Pepe walked through the front door he said "merry Christmas!!!" Reed's response was "no, not merry Christmas, baby Jesus' Birthday!!!"
One of the first times Reed successfully used the toilet I asked if he was all done and he said "I pooped two chunks out of my body."
I was setting up a board game for the two of us to play and asked who should go first. Reed responded "I'm finking Reed."
Over Christmas we let Reed watch the Sound of Music, he has become obsessed with the "Doe Song" and is constantly trying to sing it. One day out of nowhere he sang "Doe, Ray, Meatballs, and Pasta." He then dissolved into laughter and declared "Kieran thought that was funny."
Kieran's been either completely naked or in long sleeve shirts since we brought him home. One day I put him in a short sleeve onesie and when Reed saw him he said "Kieran's arms are nudey."
After the holidays Reed came down with a nasty cold. After one particularly bad coughing fit I said "I know it doesn't feel good, but coughing can help break up all that yucky stuff." Reed countered with "how you put it back together?"
One day I was nursing Kieran with a nursing pillow under him. Reed came up and pointed to the portion of the pillow that supports my back and said "that's Mom's ginis (think vagina/penis). Mom poop and pee out of her ginis."
I can't remember what I made the face about but I did an over exaggerated frown to which the Kiddo said "you doin' your face the wrong way!"
I love these so much...I literally laughed so much I cried!