Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, February 7, 2014

Three Months

Kieran continues to be the happiest baby on the block (I think this would be true even if there was another baby in our neighborhood)! He really is a great kid who genuinely seems to enjoy life already. His fussiest time of the day is usually in the evening and even then a few tosses in the air, a pacifier, or just carrying him facing out around the house seem to calm him. He still likes sleep a lot; often only being awake for an hour and a half between naps. He usually takes 3-4 naps a day and at least one of those is pretty long (1.5-2 hours). He loves our evening routine of bath time and baby massage, tolerates story time with Reed, and then usually goes down for the night between 8:00 and 9:00. Typically he wakes up twice overnight and it is still a feed, change the diaper, lay him down, and he's back to sleep situation.

This month he really has embraced sleeping in his crib. We just moved him out of a swaddle and he has adapted to the sleep sack really well. For naps and bedtime we just lay him down drowsy, zip him up in his sack, put a pacifier in his mouth, and 9 times out of 10 he puts himself to sleep. If he is a bit more fussy sometimes we have to pop the pacifier in a couple of times or let him cuddle with his stuffed monkey.

I really try not to compare Kieran to Reed on this blog and for these monthly posts I want it to be just about the K-Man. That being said I have to share a quick story. One day Kieran was crying while I was trying to hold him and read a book to Reed. R popped out of the chair and went running down the hall. I asked what he was doing and he came running back in with a stuffed animal and declared that "Kieran needs a cuddly guy." I appreciated the gesture and stuck the guy in K's arms to show Reed that it had been a nice thing to do for his brother. To my shock Kieran stopped crying almost instantly. Since then if he's tired and fussy and we give him his stuffed monkey (a gift from Reed) he starts nuzzling it and either calms down or dozes off to sleep. It is miraculous!!! I never thought a baby could develop a "lovey" so early on but he definitely has. I do always take the stuffed animal out of the crib after he falls asleep but I feel like this is going to be a long term attachment.

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 12 lbs 11oz

Height: 24.75 inches

Clothing Size: I'm still squeezing him into 3 month pajamas, but clothes are now 3-6 month or 6 month outfits. He is definitely long and lean with lots of room on the sides of his too small clothes but they are just too tight from head to toe.

Kieran likes: Being held facing out, staring at anything on the ceiling or hanging above him, his car seat, taking baths, his play mat, Mam pacifiers, bouncing/jumping, being tossed in the air, and his lovey, Max.

Kieran dislikes: Having a wet diaper, having his clothes changed/taken off, a cold changing pad, and being held like a baby.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K-Man, Kierito, Buddy Bear, Sweet Pea, Sneezy, and The Happiest Baby on the Block.

How Kieran is sleeping:  Kieran generally goes to sleep for the night between 8:00 and 9:00, he is usually up 4 to 5 hours later to nurse, and then again in another 3 hours. Depending on bedtime and the spacing of the feedings he will usually wake again 2.5 to 3 hours later and nurse then either go back to sleep or stay up - usually waking up for the day between 7:00 and 8:00 am. Typically he is awake for 1.5 - 2 hours and then back down for a nap. This continues throughout the day and the naps can last anywhere from 30 minutes to 2.5 hours. With most naps lasting about an hour and then usually one longer nap lasting around 2 hours.

Favorite Moment: Watching Kieran develop an attachment to a lovey has been so special. Also, the first time Jon tossed Kieran in the air it was adorable to see the big grin on his face when he landed in Jon's hands.
01/22/14 First trip to the Gillette Cabin
01/22/14 K starts trying to reach up to the toys in his bouncer
01/30/14 Kieran "finds" his hands and is mesmerized
02/03/14 First overnight trip (to Shaver Lake for 3 nights actually)
02/04/14 First time playing in the snow

Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake: This is just to prove he isn't always happy, but you have to admit his crying face is soooo sad it is almost cute.

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