Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Reed Says . . . March 2014 Edition

Since I just did a 2.5 year post for Reed I don't think I need to spend much more time talking about him. I will say that even though he is very well spoken for his age he does have some words he just can't seem to get right - nulk (milk), vit-ta-tim (vitamin), cumcuber (cucumber), pusghetti (spaghetti) - no one is perfect right? Enjoy this month's Reed-isms and some extra pictures from his 2.5 "photo shoot."

After a particularly hard leg workout Jon volunteered to change Reed's diaper. He was bent over on the floor (he no longer has a changing table in his room) and Reed could tell he was in a bit of pain. I walked by the open door and Reed shouted "Mom, Dad's having a hard time. Can you help Dad?"

So the Kiddo knows what the sound of me closing the clasp on my nursing bras sounds like and usually will run into K's room and ask if I'm all done when he hears it. One day he came running in and said "are you putting your boobs together so Kieran can eat another day?"

One day Kieran was in the jumperoo  (which is jungle themed) and I could hear Reed fiddling with him. I walked into the living room to ask what he was doing and at the same time notice Reed had put his hands under K's armpits and was pulling up. He told me he was "just helping Kieran out of the jungle."

We were at Nonna and Pepe's house for dinner one night and Nonna was telling us a hilarious story about a runaway horse running through their backyard that morning. As she was telling the story Reed turned to Pepe and asked "did he try to eat your lettuce?"

I could tell The Monkey had done a #2 one day so I asked him if he had done a poop. His reply was "no, but there's something lumpy in my butt!"

The other day Reed told me he was hungry so I asked if he would like some strawberries or maybe a sauce for a snack. He responded that "there are some more choices I have in mind."

He has actually done this on a couple of different occasions, but the first time it was at the dinner table with his fork. He accidentally dropped it and when it hit the floor he exclaimed "fork on the loose."

Out of nowhere one day Reed said "we should go to the zoo." I asked "where did that come from?" He replied, "my tongue."

I caught Reed picking his nose and then putting his finger into his mouth. I told him that was a bad habit and he told me that "it's okay because I'm eating a white bugger, Darth Vader eats green buggers."

The other day in the car Reed exclaimed "I'm paintin' the window." Intrigued I turned and found him spitting on his finger and then using that to smear onto the window.

Last week I heard Jon start to laugh out loud, then get a little stern, then laugh again while giving Reed a bath. I asked if everything was okay and he said I needed to come into the bathroom. Worried, I rushed in to find Jon holding a measuring cup that Reed had apparently peed into then handed to Jon saying "Dad I made a smoothie for you."

Friday, March 21, 2014

Reed, the 2.5 Model

In the last few weeks I have had to pause when people ask me how old Reed is. My standard response has been 2 years old or he'll be two and a half in March, well yesterday was the day and he is now officially 2.5 years old!!! We are definitely in a bit of a "terrible two" phase right now. He is moody and a bit unpredictable. We are having to discipline him more often, watch what we say in front of him much more carefully, and he gets frustrated when simple things don't work the way he would like them to.

All that being said there are also a lot of good moments and they are so, so good. He continues to impress us with his communication skills and he has a pretty great sense of humor. He handles taking all of his medications really well, is starting to understand his food and dog allergies and speak up for himself in certain situations, and while he doesn't do well with spontaneity if we tell him the "plan" ahead of time he rolls with the punches pretty well.  He loves talking about our day. In the morning during breakfast I tell him what we have planned for the day and at dinner we go around the table and ask each other how our days were, favorite parts of the day, and things we didn't like about our day.

Reed is also a great Big Brother. He loves on Kieran so much, brings him a pacifier or "cuddly guys" when he is fussy, and often asks to hold his Little Brother. He does get a bit jealous when I nurse K and also when he is due for a nap himself his tolerance of me spending time with the baby lowers. But overall he's a superstar Brother and I hope his feelings about Kieran stay the same and they can be the best of buds.

I think he's been going through a bit of a growth spurt lately, he is just really clumsy and has been falling over and running into things non stop. He is also gaining more and more independence. He now can open all cupboards and drawers and gets his own snacks and milk out a lot of the time. Reed is very caring and sweet. He will come up to me out of nowhere and give me a big hug, tell me he loves me, or say thank you for cooking him a meal.
Interesting Facts

Weight: 30 lbs

Height: 36.75 inches

Clothing Size:  2T for basically everything, he does have a few 3T tops he fits into

Shoe Size: 7, but I just ordered him some 7.5 size shoes because everything is getting a bit tight
Reed likes: Playing dress up with hats, shoes, bow ties, and sunglasses, stuffed animals (Pup and Soft Sheep are still the go to sleeping companions), playing with, balls, reading books, anything related to farming or cowboys, playing outside, puzzles, after bath TV time with Dad, his Grandma and Nonna, cooking with Mom, taking showers with Dad, anything that has to do with water, playing with his Star Wars guys, and working on craft projects.
Reed dislikes: When anything breaks into pieces (including food), being "itchy," being disciplined (usually this means a toy is taken away), and going to the bathroom in the toilet.
Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Buddy, Monkey, Reed-man, Kooky Monster, Dingle Berry Jones, Wheezy, Darlin', and Honey Bear.

Food: His favorites remain the same - pasta, rice, all kinds of meat and fish, and pretty much every fruit imaginable. He also loves when we get pizza. He is picky about vegetables, but I continue to put them on his plate. He loves smoothies and sauces even when he knows there are vegetable mixed in.

Communication: Amazing! Not only does he now put multiple sentences together, he uses tenses and pronouns correctly. He also has started to sing lines from songs we listen to a lot.

How Reed is sleeping:  He goes to bed around 8:00pm and has been making it to around 6:30am most mornings. We are still using the toddler night light, but the pacifier and sound machines are things of the past. He sleeps in a twin size bed elevated off of the floor. He goes down for his nap between noon and 1:00pm and usually sleeps for abut two hours.
Milestones over the last six months:
He finally got his two year molars and now has 20 teeth
Reed moved into a twin size bed
Reedcito became a Big Brother
Reed can now jump
He drinks out of cups without lids or straws sometimes
Reed-man went to the snow for the first time

Monday, March 17, 2014

Our Life is a Zoo

We continue to be so very busy and since we don't plan on taking a real vacation this year, Jon took last Friday off so we could at least take a family day trip to the zoo. We went in the morning and I figured Kieran would fall asleep during the car ride there. When he didn't, I was excited thinking he would probably crash in the stroller for the duration of our time at the zoo. Well the Little Mr. loved the zoo and the only time he ever fell asleep was when I put a blanket over the front of the stroller and rolled it back and forth during the sea lion exhibition/talk.

On Friday night Reed went to Pepe and Nonna's and we took K-Pup to a surprise party for Laurie. We still had one wee one so we weren't able to stay too late, but sleeping for an extra hour in the morning and getting a few things checked off the to-do list the next day felt so good. Pepe and Nonna were nice enough to keep Reed through his nap the next day and meet us at C's 30th Birthday Party.  This was the first time since bringing Kieran home that we had any significant time sans one of the kiddos. Oh did I mention C's party was at our local bowling alley? So, awesome!

Sarah, C, Ryan, and Tio

George and Connor discovering how challenging a
bowling alley is for containing toddlers!

Don't let this pic fool you, Kieran
only slept for about 5 minutes.

Ryan attempting to stay behind the dotted line.

Chris and Tio in a totally candid shot!

Lindsay, her awesome shirt, and Karl

Laurie and Russell


Is that a bowling ball under C's shirt?

Reed's first time bowling

Clara proving that girls can bowl too!

We finished off our long weekend of celebrations by going to Nonna and Pepe's for homemade pizza on Sunday. Before we left we made sure to get a picture of the Birthday girl with the boys and let her open her gift.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

A Day in the Life of

Other than having a slightly fussier than usual baby and still not being fully adjusted to the time change, Monday was about as typical as you get in our house. So here is what a day in our home with an almost 2.5 year old and a 4 month old looks like:

12:00 am  Kieran is awake, I nurse him, change his diaper, and put him back in his crib at 12:40 am, he falls asleep
3:00 am  Kieran is awake again, I nurse him, change his diaper, and lay him back in his crib at 3:20, he keeps spitting out his pacifier and then crying. Jon and I take turns "replugging" him and he's asleep by 3:40 am
5:50 am  Kieran is awake again, he nurses, I change his diaper and lay him back down at 6:15, he falls asleep. I finish purchasing a baby shower gift on my phone and head to the living room to workout.
7:00 am  The boys are still asleep (thanks to the time change) so I feed Dodger, pick up the living room and kitchen, unload the dishwasher, mark down some RSVPs for the shower I'm co-hosting for "C" and go through some bills.
7:20 am  Reed is awake, I smell the need for a diaper change from the hallway. I change his diaper and read his new Pirate ABC book.

7:35 am  K is up, I change his diaper and can hear Reed knocking on our door to find out if Dad is up. We all hang out in the bathroom together while Jon gets ready for work.

Could K look more frightened?
7:50 am  I put Kieran in his jumperoo while Reed and I make oatmeal with chia seeds, honey, sunbutter, and bananas. I eat breakfast with Reed and we talk about what we are going to do for the day.
8:15 am  Reed declares he's done, but then keeps eating. I put Kieran in the Bumbo chair and clean Reed up when he is done eating, then do the dishes. K is getting hungry so I get Reed started on a "Sort and Snap" game in his room.

8:25 am  I nurse Kieran and inspect the rash that is developing on his cheeks and chin. I start to worry this could be from the soy I've recently put back into my diet.

8:35 am  K is done nursing, I change his diaper and go check on Reed.
8:50 am  I play and read books with Reed while holding Kieran. The baby gets frustrated so I walk around with him, brush my teeth, and bring some wipes into R's room to refill his dispenser. I put K down on his back on the rug in Reed's room and start getting Reed dressed. Kieran is fussing so I turn to get him and find that he's rolled onto his tummy!!! Definitely assisted by pulling on the rug, but still he rolled over and I missed it - major bummer! This means I text Jon and take a zillion videos of him attempting to do it again. Reed jumps on the rug and volunteers to teach Kieran how to roll - so sweet! While I'm busy continuing to obsess about #2, #1 accessorizes his outfit.

9:15 I get everyone in sweatshirts and put K in the carrier. We head to the bathroom so Reed can do his inhaler and brush his teeth. We head out the door and take Dodger for a walk. I prop the phone on the stroller and call Grandma on speaker phone so I can make a plan with her for tomorrow (she's babysitting). Along the way Kieran falls asleep.
10:00 am  We are back and I lay Kieran down in his crib. Reed is hungry so he chooses a bag of Red Berry and Beet Fruit Veggie Crispy Chews and while he munches I prep the pork we are having for dinner in the crock pot. I also make myself a coffee drink when I discover Jon didn't use one of the espresso shots he had made the day before.
10:15 am  Reed and I go outside and play with bubbles, pretend to go on a bear hunt, and toss a toy parachute, he just received as a gift, in the air over and over again.

10:45 am I feel like Kieran will be waking soon so I convince Reed to go back inside. We read more of the books he just received as gifts from Nonna and Pepe's trip. One talks about Calypso music so I find some on Rhapsody and play it while we continue to read. One book has a map of the Caribbean islands which leads Reed to ask about his state puzzle. I tell him I'll go get it for him and in the process take some diapers that have been delivered back to his room and pick up a few of the toys that are strewn about. I deliver the puzzle to the living room and tell Reed I'm going to fold laundry. He finds me after a few minutes and starts entertaining himself by putting on my shoes.
11:45 am  Kieran wakes up so I get Reed re-started on the state puzzle and go in and nurse K. I can hear Reed in his room and can tell he isn't doing the puzzle, but he sounds like he's found something to entertain himself so I leave him be and check work emails and Instagram on my phone while I continue to nurse.

11:55 am  Kieran is done nursing. Reed comes in to tell me he's going grocery shopping. I change K's diaper and get him dressed. I find Reed in the kitchen "packing a lunch" of his wooden fruit and veggie toys. I take the cue and make us (me and Reed) toast with avocado, some mandarins, leftover mahi mahi, and hemp milk for R while Kieran has some tummy time.

12:10 pm  We start eating and about 5 minutes later Kieran gets fussy. I pick him up and he sits in my lap while I eat lunch and talk to Reed. I think his rash is looking worse so I take a picture and text it to Jon. I put Kieran on his play mat and do the dishes that are in the sink while Reed finishes his lunch. I also text "C" and Nonna about a shower we are going to in a few weeks and Lee and Amanda about pregnancy stuff (babies everywhere!!!!).

12:40 pm  Everyone is done eating so the herd moves to Reed's room. I change Reed's diaper, K is fussy so I give him a pacifier, and read two books to R.
1:00 pm I say goodnight to Reed. He sits in bed reading books on his own while K and I go get the mail. I do airplane, patty cake, and a few other silly games with him in the living room.

1:15 pm  Kieran is fussy again so I change his diaper, give him a pacifier, zip him in his sleep sack, turn on his sound machine, and let him hold his monkey Max, while I rock him for a bit. I lay him down and he's basically asleep instantly. I can hear Reed is still up so I finish cleaning the kitchen and work on a quick tax project for work.
1:45 pm  Reed is still awake, but seems content so I jump in the shower and when I get out, 5 minutes later, he is asleep.
2:00 pm  I decide to work on a craft project for one of the upcoming showers I'm co-hosting, but before I even get the supplies out I hear Kieran fussing, I let him be hoping he will go back to sleep.
2:10 pm  K is definitely not going back to sleep. I go in his room and let him nurse while I answer a few more work emails on my phone.
2:25 pm  Kieran is done nursing. I change his diaper and put him on a blanket with toys while I put away laundry, then we play for a few minutes.

2:40 pm  I take Kieran to the kitchen, turn on the Amazing Race, and make myself a quick snack. K is super fussy so I just walk around the living room and kitchen bouncing him watching the show. I try the jumperoo, funny faces, changing his diaper again, he just wants to be held, loved, and BOUNCED.
3:30 pm  I hear Reed cry out and realize all of Kieran's pacifiers are in his room. This means running to the nursery while shushing Kieran and immediately closing the door, hoping Reed will go back to sleep. I duplicate the prior nap routine and lay Kieran down in his crib. He is awake, but looks like he will fall asleep easily.
3:40 pm  I check the monitor and Reed is wide awake but still in bed. K starts to scream. I go in and put the pacifier back in his mouth. Reed is now chatting away in his room. I go to his room and check the monitor to see that Kieran is now asleep. I read a few books to Reed and then change his diaper.
4:00 pm  Reed wants a snack so we go into the kitchen and he picks out a bag of snap pea crisps. He then goes to the bathroom. I take him back to his room and change his diaper. He tells me he wants to hunt eggs. I take his diaper to the trash and grab the monitor. By the time I get back to his room he's laying down playing with farm animals. He then spots the train stuff and declares he want to build a track. I help him build a track then leave him to play independently while I move laundry around.

 4:30 pm  I hear K start to stir as I am folding clothes, his cries escalate and I know he's awake for good.
4:35 pm  I nurse Kieran while Reed continues to play trains. I get involved with a mass text message regarding another shower I'm helping with.
4:50 pm  Kieran is done nursing, I change his diaper, fold some clothes while he hangs on a blanket, and then head to the kitchen to finish dinner.
5:00 pm  Jon is home, not a minute too soon either, as K is super fussy again. He takes the Little Guy while I work on dinner.
5:15 pm  Reed is screaming. Apparently a toy bucket fell and he was upset and moved an entire shelf trying to put it back. Jon and I move the shelf back and calm him down. He stays to play by himself. Jon and I discuss the Kieran/soy experiment while I continue to cook and he continues to play with K.
5:30 pm  I take K from Jon and head to R's room to help clean up some of the mess.
5:45 pm  I go back to the kitchen to stir/rotate food. Reed comes into the kitchen, lays on the floor with some of his cuddly guys, and declares he's a rabbit. I remind him that he needs to set the table.

5:55 pm  Kieran goes into the Bumbo chair and the rest of us sit down to a dinner of roasted green beans, yams, and a brown sugar balsamic pork loin (Reed has hemp milk).
6:30 pm  Dad and Reed head back to do bath time. I put Kieran in the jumperoo and try to do dishes. K is not happy so I take him out and we join in on bath time.

6:55 pm  Reed watches Perro y Gato, I do the dishes, feed Dodger, get lunches and clothes ready for tomorrow, Jon holds Kieran and changes a diaper when he hears an explosion down below.
7:15 pm  Kieran is falling asleep so I take him back to his room and he nurses.
7:30 pm  Kieran is asleep. Reed and Dad pick up his room and select 3 bedtime books. The three of us read books.

7:55 pm The Monkey picks out a CD to put on and we say goodnight. Jon and I head out to the living room. Jon practices guitar while I switch off between working on my computer and working on the craft for the shower.
8:10 pm  Kieran is crying. Jon goes and gives him a pacifier.
9:10 pm  I check the monitor Reed is finally asleep (thanks time change!!!)
9:45 pm  I say goodnight to Dodger, give him a treat, and put myself to bed.
10:00 pm  Kieran is crying again, Jon goes in to calm him down.
11:45 pm  Kieran is awake. I usually won't feed him until after midnight, but he went to bed so early and has been upset all day, so I get up nurse him, change his diaper, and he's back to sleep at 12:15 am.