Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Four Months

Last week I started to jot down a few thoughts about Kieran's fourth month of life. It is amazing how much can change so quickly with a wee one - half of what I wrote is being thrown out the window. I must quickly mention that Jon just returned from being out of town for an entire week and I barely survived, due in part to Kieran's ever changing-ness. When Jon saw him this morning he even commented on how much more alert, dexterous, and just bigger he seems to be. K is really into tummy time lately and loves holding things in his hands and inspecting them. He has also decided he wants to figure out how to roll over, but prefers to practice this skill set overnight which has led to a lot of sleepless nights for the two of us as he is wide awake grunting, groaning, crying out, arching his back, kicking his legs, but not even getting close to rolling!

Despite his lack of sleep recently, he is still generally in a very good mood and pretty much game for anything. If he does get fussy usually a pacifier or his stuffed monkey, Max, is all he needs to calm down. This month I continued to eat dairy products and also added eggs back into my diet. He seems to be handling both of these fine, which is a great feeling and I will probably try soy very soon.

As it is getting to be more and more noticeable that Kieran is growing up I'm finding myself very sentimental over the fact that this is our last baby and that time really does go by so quickly.

As I mentioned above, Jon was gone for an entire week on a work trip. Other than a few melt downs here and there the boys and I did pretty well on our own. I didn't really have time to take many pictures but we kept ourselves pretty busy by going to "C's" house for pizza, a quick visit from Auntie "M" and Hunky Kevin, having Nonna come over once to watch the kiddos while I went running, being treated to a homemade dinner by Shannon, Kevin, and Clara, and then getting a visit from Tio's parents Marty and Bueno yesterday evening.

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 14 lbs

Height: I'll have a number next month

Clothing Size: Clothes and pajamas are now size 3-6 month or 6 month. He still continues to be a bit of a string bean.

Kieran likes: Being held facing out, his play mat, car seat, tummy time, sensory books, his mobile, taking baths, Mam pacifiers, bouncing/jumping, being tossed in the air, playing patty cake, and his lovey (Max).

Kieran dislikes: Having a wet diaper, having his clothes changed/taken off, not being able to roll over, loud noises (cough, cough, Reed) while he's trying to nurse, and being held like a baby.
Nicknames: Kier, K, K Dawg (this has been popular for awhile but I haven't wanted to admit it), K-Man, Kierito, Baby Bear, Smalls, and Sneezy.

How Kieran is sleeping:  He's been going to bed around 8:00pm and sleeps until midnight, has a feeding and goes back to sleep after about 45 minutes of "re-plugging" the pacifier. He is back up around 3:00 am for another feeding and in the last few days I've been putting him in bed with me so I can hold him down, instead of letting him roll around in the crib. He usually goes to sleep really fast if I do this and then I can transfer him back to his crib otherwise it is an hour plus of rollover practice. He is up again around 5:30 for one last feeding and then usually dozes/tosses and turns until 6:30 when he's up for good. He's been going about 2 hours between naps landing at about 3 total for the day ranging anywhere from 30 minutes to 2+ hours with at least one usually being over 1.5 hours.

Favorite Moment: Is there anything better than hearing a baby laugh? It seems like Kieran has to build up to a laugh with a few grunts and groans, then comes a big burst of gurgley giggles.
02/05/14 We hear Kieran's first real laugh
02/11/14 K starts smacking his lips
02/17/14 Kieran starts grasping and inspecting toys
02/20/14 His first attempts at blowing "raspberries"
Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:

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