Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, January 19, 2015


We had tentatively planned a short family vacation for January this year, but some additional work travel for Jon and unexpected 30-day jury duty for me have meant that we have decided to stay put for the month and hope we can find time in early spring to get away. In the meantime Jon has taken a day off here and there so we can enjoy some "staycation" time together. This past weekend we decided to use our Christmas present from Uncle Kyle, Aunt Kari, Annaliese, and Haleigh - a family zoo pass. We had one two years ago and loved it and are grateful for the wonderful gift again.

After a rough start (no cash for parking, detour to find a gas station with a cash machine, spotting of several prostitutes) our nice Sunday morning was back on track. Kieran failed to nap in the car or the entire time we were at the zoo but was pleased as could be to sit in his stroller bundled up and look at all of the animals. We were able to see the elephants and listened to a good portion of the Zookeeper's talk, feed a giraffe, Jon found a soul mate in a seal, and we discovered the best place to go on a cold day is the warm reptile house. We all had a great time and ended our outing with a visit to In-N-Out where I think the boys both ate their weight in burger patties, French fries, and ketchup.

Reed was too excited about the giraffes to give the tigers much attention

Don't mind my quadruple chin!

Could Jon's face be any better?

Dad explaining the difference between river and sea otters

Too many animals to sleep!

Jon and this seal were like this for a solid minute - "soul mates"

Warming up in the Reptile House

Monday, January 12, 2015

A Day in the Life of a 3.25 Year Old and a 14 Month Old

Last Thursday I decided it had been a while since I recorded a day in the McClarty household. I think I captured a pretty "typical" day including a middle of the night wake-up, several tantrums, and some very sweet moments as well.

3:15 am Kieran is awake. He's fussing but not crying so I let him be, hoping he'll soothe himself back to sleep. His crying escalates over the next 15 minutes so I go in to calm him. He immediately starts screaming when I try to lay him back down (he's standing up in his crib). So I pick him up and try to walk around with him, more screaming so I try to rock him. He immediately roots around and tries to nurse. I've been trying to not give into overnight nursing but he really is inconsolable and I'm very tired so I let him and he calms instantly and when I lay him down five minutes later he is asleep in no time.

5:45 I wake up and get ready to go for a run.

6:50 I'm home from my run and the lights are still off in the house. I'm so excited that the kids are still asleep until I see Jon in the hall. Reed has been up for half an hour but is refusing to get out of bed/go potty until Mom gets home. Ugghh

6:55 I take Reed to the bathroom and make breakfast (toast with sunbutter, strawberries, and hemp milk).

7:05 Kieran is awake. I go in change his diaper and then make him a duplicate breakfast. While the boys eat I make my breakfast, eat with them, then clean out the dishwasher.

7:25 Reed has a meltdown because he's still hungry and we have no more strawberries. He decides to look in the freezer for a solution and finds some ice cream, he thinks that sounds perfect so I get him a small bowl of mint-chip coconut milk ice cream (note the last time he had ice cream was Kieran's Birthday, this does NOT happen every day).

7:30 Kieran signs that he is "all done" but immediately puts more food in his mouth so I feed Dodger and do most of our breakfast dishes.

7:40 Jon comes in to say goodbye for the day. Reed gives Jon a hug goodbye and Kieran poops, so I take him back to his room to change his diaper and change him out of his pajamas. I sort through the boys' dirty clothes and start a load of laundry.

8:00 Reed declares he needs to poop. While he goes to the bathroom Kieran puts the sorted clothes back in the hamper. After Reed gets done I help him change into his clothes for the day, then brush both boys' teeth and administer Reed's inhaler.

8:15 I put the boys' jackets and shoes on and we head out to walk Dodger.

8:45 We are back from the walk and get out the tent to set up in the living room.

9:30 Kieran signs that he wants water and Reed says he's hungry so I get the boys snacks (fruit bars, pretzels, apple slices, raisins, and water). While they eat I check my work email and respond to a few people. I also run to the laundry room to switch laundry around.

9:50 I change Kieran's diaper, put him in his sleepsack, and we all read a book together.

10:05 Kieran is asleep so I set Reed up with the iPad to watch Super Why while I sort mine and Jon's laundry, then take a shower, then fold some clothes, and switch over laundry loads again.

10:35 I tell Reed if he helps me make chicken noodle soup then we can play a game together. He has a better idea - get out a craft project and make the soup at the same time. This means switching between chopping veggies and helping Reed work on his scissor skills.

11:50 I've been done with the soup for awhile but we've continued to keep cutting.  I announce that we need to wrap up cutting and of course crying ensues. After Reed gets calmed down I take him to go potty.

12:00 pm - Kieran wakes up. The boys play in their kitchen while I make lunch in mine (corn tortillas, beans, leftover steak, avocado, and hemp milk).

12:15 The three of us eat lunch together.

12:45 We go outside to play.

1:15 I've warned Reed a few times (10 minutes, 5 minutes) that we are going to be heading inside. I tell him that I'm going to check for mail before we put everything away. He darts into the street to follow me. This is a huge no-no and I immediately tell him that he will no longer be able to earn Mario today (he loves watching Jon play video games so if he's good all day he "earns" a little bit of time watching). Reed actually handles this announcement well and says he understands he did something that was bad and dangerous and wants to know if he can hold my hand to the mailbox. I say yes and when we get back to the driveway say it's time to put away the cars and balls. Reed dissolves into tears and starts screaming. I ignore him and start putting things away, he begins grabbing at the toys and I take away his beloved "Princess Peach" for the day, this leads to him kicking at me, and me taking away one of his before nap books. We get in the house and he refuses to try to go potty. I declare he has lost his other before nap book and he defiantly tells me that he wants everything taken away and asks when I'm going to take quiet time away. I think he realizes I'm pretty upset at this point when I tell him quiet time will never be take away but the things I'm taking away can be taken away for good, not just for the day.

1:30 Reed sucks it up, goes potty, and gets in bed. I tuck him in, tell him I love him, and leave the room. Kieran signs he wants water so I put him in the toddler tower and let him drink while I do the dishes. I think Kieran knows that Reed was extra bad today and is super cuddly. I get a handful of chocolate chips and he gets his pacifier and we hangout in the tent playing peek-a-boo, hugging, and laughing.

2:00 Kieran plays in his room while I fold clothes, rotate loads of laundry, and put away all of Kieran's washed/folded clothes.

2:30 Kieran gets fussy so I carry him around while I text my Mom, and a few friends about various things and email Jon letting him know Reed has been a bit of a handful. We also look for "baaa" - Kieran's pacifier.

2:45 I change Kieran's diaper and read two books to him. This means it is that beloved time of day . . . Double Nap Time!!! I work on K's first year baby book and our 2014 family photo album.

4:00 I go in and wake Reed. He is upset about being asked to go potty and wants to play a variety of complex/small piece games. He knows those are for Kieran's morning nap time but he starts crying when I remind him of this. He goes in and goes to the bathroom. I ask him if he's interested in having a snack and he doesn't answer me. Kieran wakes up so I head back to get him out of his crib and Reed starts screaming at me that he's hungry and wants a snack. I remind him that I had just asked him a few times and since he didn't answer me he can wait a couple minutes and have a snack with Kieran.

4:25 The boys have granola bars and milk.

4:45 Jon is home and must see the look in my eyes because he announces that the Dudes are going to go play in Reed's room while Mom makes dinner. He modifies this to add changing Kieran's diaper first when he picks up the Little Guy and gets a whiff of a poop. I finish up the soup, put away the rest of the laundry, and make a batch of banana-blueberry muffins.

6:00 We have dinner as a family. The boys eat deconstructed chicken-noodle soup instead of attempting spoons/bowls and then both eat one of the muffins that are cooling on the counter.

6:45 Jon takes Reed back to get his bath started while I change another poop diaper of Kieran's. I hand Kieran over to Jon for bath time, stick around to take a few pictures, then go to the kitchen to do the dinner dishes, and feed Dodger.

7:00 Kieran has been released from the bathroom and wanders into the kitchen. I pull out the bean bags and get Signing Time started.

7:10 Reed is done with his bath and medicines and joins us. I pick up the toys in the living room and Jon takes out the recycling.

7:25 I cuddle up with the boys and Jon grabs a seat in the living room while the show finishes up.

7:40 I take Kieran to his room, he nurses, and I lay him down. While I do this Jon takes Reed to the restroom.

7:50 We read three books with Reed.

8:00 I try to tuck Reed in and he pops out of bed declaring he wants milk (we had asked him before we went into his room if he wanted any) and follows me when I try to leave the room. We get to the living room and Jon reiterates that he missed his window for milk. I walk him back to his room and hear Kieran fussing, but don't go in.

8:15 Kieran is settled down and asleep.

9:00 After flipping through a few books and tossing and turning, Reed is finally asleep.