Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Fourteen Months

I think we've suddenly got a Little Boy on our hands!!! Kieran hasn't had any real major milestones this last month but he has gone from walking a little bit to walking all of the time, has picked up a bunch of signs, and mimics everything we say. He still has a pretty fun loving personality and will start dancing as soon as we put music on. He also has a few "party tricks" including giving cheers, panting like a dog, falling face first into the bean bag when we tell him "man down," giving high fives, and fake sneezing on command. The Bug can now identify his head, hair, mouth, eyes, and nose when prompted. He also loves poking Mom's eyes which isn't so adorable.

Kieran also wants to be a Big Boy and is into everything. He loves climbing and so far has found his way up into Jon's recliner, to the top of Reed's bathroom stool, and into our bed all on his own. He also decided he wanted to do somersaults after watching Reed attempt a few, so now if we say forward roll he will put his hands and head to the ground and wait for us to push him over. Now that he is walking so much he loves playing outside and will spend the better part of an hour exploring the front yard and trying to ride on the bikes and cars that are for much older kids. We have started to use the word "stop" with Kieran and when we do he does the sign and then if he stops doing whatever it is he applauds himself - hey whatever keeps him out of stuff!

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 22 lbs

Height: I'll have an update next month

Clothing Size:  Everything is now 12 or 12-18 month, but a lot of his shirts are getting a little short so I think we'll be breaking open the storage bin of 18 month stuff soon. His pants are still ridiculously big around the waist and usually a couple inches too long.

Shoe size: Size 5

Teeth: Still 7 - 3 on the bottom and 4 on the top, but he's been drooling a ton again and had a few rough nights lately so I think there are more on the way.

Kieran likes: Taking Dodger for walks, eating, swings, slides, bath time, balls, trying to play with Reed, taking naps, dance parties, story time (especially his favorites - Llama Llama books and anything by Carolyn Jane Church), tickles, crawling/climbing/walking/getting around on his own, drumming on anything but especially trash cans, his play kitchen, opening cupboards, sorting and stacking toys, playing guitar with Dad, being held by Mom, getting into the ottoman, playing outside, Signing Time DVDs, his quilt from Auntie Amanda that he now sleeps with, and Perrito his stuffed animal pacifier.

Kieran dislikes: Diaper changes, being put in his car seat, having his clothes changed, long car rides, having his face wiped, being held when he wants to be doing something else, and getting things taken away from him.

Food: Favorites right now are avocado, berries, string cheese, yogurt, pasta, bagels, granola bars, dried fruit, fruit/veggie purees, hemp milk, muffins, and peas. Dislikes are most vegetables and he is still hit or miss with meat.

Nicknames: Kier, K, K Dawg, K-Man, K-Bug, Bug, K-Bugger, Bugger, Kierito, and Goldilocks.

How Kieran is sleeping: Aside from a few rough nights here and there Kieran typically goes to bed between 7:30 and 7:45. He wakes between 4:00 and 5:00am, nurses and goes right back to sleep until around 6:30am. He takes two naps; one around 9:30 lasting about two hours and another around 2:00pm lasting 1.5-2hours.

Words: This one is hard because he is mimicking a lot of words we say but doesn't independently say them towards an object or person. He does seem to have some sounds for different people like Dad and the Grandparents but they aren't anywhere close to sounding like the real words yet so I'm just going to list the words he is using clearly and well on his own. Appp-pull (apple), baawl (ball), blu (blueberry), buh (book), braw-er (brother), bye bye, Mom/Momma, mo (more), top (stop), uh oh, and up.

Signs:  All done, ball, banana, bird, change, dog, eat, go, hat, milk, more, potty, shoes, sleep, stop, thank you, train, wash hands, and water.

Favorite Moment: I have to say Kieran becoming a walker has been awesome! He has done this to me a few times, but each time it just melts my heart - he'll come up to me and hold my hand and take me with him down the hall or somewhere else he wants to go. It is so simple and yet so sweet I love that my Big Boy still needs me so much and wants to take me along on his adventures!!!

12/05/14  Kieran's first time on a slide
12/10/14  The Bug finally starts clapping
12/24/14  Kier is walking really well
01/01/15  K discovers how to use a zipper

Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:

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