Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, July 27, 2015

A Weekend of Showers

On Saturday Reed got to attend his very first baby shower. It's pretty funny because I think Kieran's been to at least half a dozen, but now that he's in crazy climbing toddler mode, Reed is much easier to tote along. So while Kieran got to hang with Tio and Lyla, Reed was beyond thrilled that he got to help celebrate his "favorite girl" Allie and her soon to be born baby girl. He got to play with Nonna and Clara and was pretty into being the only boy too. He was also excited to eat the desserts I brought along for him and after having eaten some earlier decided to interrupt the present opening by asking the whole room "so what's the plan for that other brownie bite?" It was a great party and he really was on good behavior.

On Sunday Jon spent the day with the boys while I drove up and back to Auburn to celebrate another baby girl - my roommate from college, Molly, is expecting her third child, but first girl, next month. I was excited to spend a few hours with her friends and family, get a little time to catch up, and see how big her boys have gotten. Of course I failed to take any pictures but am so glad I made the time to attend!

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