Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, August 24, 2015

McClarty Rib Cook-Off

After Pepe's devastating (according to him) loss at the taco cook-off in April I think he really needed a chance at redemption and thus the idea for a rib cook-off was hatched. All in all there were six different entries and some of the family members even came early so they could avoid having to transport their ribs after cooking. Since we kicked off the Summer with a McClarty Party it seemed like a nice way to enjoy one of our last Summer weekends by spending time with family once again. The kids all had a ton of fun together and the boys loved having Auntie P to play with, getting to swim a ton, and drinking lots of lemonade. Unfortunately I was in the pool sans camera a lot of the time so I got few pictures of anything other than the kiddos. I definitely see another cook-off in our future as, once again, Pepe was not the winner, congrats to Tim who is our new champion!

Corn Hole

Tammi and Auntie P trying to help Reed pose for pictures


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