Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, April 11, 2016

Imagine U

For Christmas we received a membership to ImagineU from Nonna and Pepe, a kids museum in Visalia, we also gave a membership to C, Tio, and Lyla as a gift. We've been twice now and had so much fun both times. The first time we had a play date with C and Lyla as well as our friend Michelle and her son Ryan. Then last week Kieran and I met up with C and Lyla, Ashley and Eli, and Laura, Eden, and Baby Serena. This was definitely a younger group but they still had a blast. The activities of choice are the glass room you can paint in, the outdoor fishing exhibit, the little kids play area, and Kieran's absolute favorite - the citrus picking and packing exhibit. It's a great place to go anytime but especially when outside play is tough because of the weather.

Eden an I obviously take fishing very seriously!

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