Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Kieran Says April/May 2016 Edition

So I will totally admit this kid's got my number! The other day I told Jon that Kieran convinced me to take him to Starbucks when that hadn't been my plan. When Jon asked me how exactly our 2.5 year old "convinced" me I just couldn't put into words what putty I become in his hands when he asks for something so sweetly and politely. "Mama, we go to Starbucks? I want an egg and bacon and cheese sandwich. Please can we go to Starbucks Mama? You have a coffee Mama? We can sit outside. We go to Starbucks and then the grocery store?" His sweet little voice is just so precious and honestly sitting at a table chatting with this little person will be remembered long past when I've forgotten the unwashed clothes, unpaid bills, etc. of the morning.

After making a quilt for Reed last year to keep at Grandma's house I decided to do the same for Kieran. It took me a while to get around to, but I asked Kieran to choose between a few patterns and he went with a plus pattern for his quilt. I was really afraid if I let him choose a fabric color he would want yellow but I had a few red fabrics he really liked so I was pretty pleased with his selections. The quilt has found its' home at Grandma and Grandpa's house but for the few days it was with us K took it everywhere and absolutely adored it. This made me so happy and since I needed to take some pictures for this post I decided to capture him and the quilt together.

Reed was rushing through counting something and I told him to slow down because he kept skipping 10. Reed replied that "number ten is going eight, you're leaving me behind." To which Kieran responded "don't worry Reed, I got him!"

A police car whizzed by us on a freeway off-ramp with lights and sirens on and quickly turned off onto the surface street. Kieran asked "where is the police car?" It was an off-ramp with lots of fast food places so I told him "maybe he's going to a restaurant." Without skipping a beat K said "he must be hungry!!"

Reed still struggles with putting his shoes on by himself, probably half the time ending up with them on the wrong feet. When one morning I told Reed he had his shoes on the wrong feet, Kieran ran over and said "I have to teach you!!!  That one goes on that foot!"

One of Kieran's favorite things to do is pee outside (such a boy). One day I was helping him with his pants while he went and he stuck his leg out in front him. When I asked what he was doing he told me "See Mom, I lift my leg like Dodger when he pees."

Even though Kieran is pretty much potty trained, I still remind him every couple of hours to try to go. When I asked K if he needed to go potty he replied "I don't need to go potty, I went yesterday!"

While on the drive home from Sunday dinner I asked the boys what their favorite part of the visit to Nonna and Pepe's was. Kier piped up and said "dessert!!!" Knowing we didn't have dessert I asked what exactly was for dessert to which he replied "ketchup!!!"

At breakfast Kieran broke his banana in half. I immediately held my breath because this usually means a meltdown in our house. Instead he declared "banana nunchucks" and started doing karate moves with the two pieces.

We were listening to the song "Down by the Bay" and I kept laughing at all of the "My Mother will say ..." parts and finally Kieran said "this is so ridiculous!!!"

As a reward for going potty K asked for jelly beans and I agreed but was in the middle of cooking dinner so I handed him the Tupperware container and told him to just take two (there were like 8 in the container). A minute later I turned around and there was only one jelly bean left. I immediately said "did you eat all of those?" Kier replied "not yet" in this super sing-songy voice while slipping the last one in his mouth with the most devious smile.

After the jelly bean binge incident I was serving up dinner and out of nowhere K said "I hear voices." I told him jokingly "I hear voices too, what do your voices say?" He immediately said "eat the jelly bean." (to be honest I'm still a little haunted by this one).

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