Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Half Day Trip to LA

Jon's friends from college, Mark and Stacey, are getting ready to move out of Los Angeles in the next month, so last weekend we made a speed trip down to visit them. They were having their daughter Ella's Birthday party and more friends from college, including Adam and Marli, were also going to be there. It seemed like a great opportunity to have a group of us together before it gets more logistically complicated, plus we got to meet Mark and Stacey's baby Malia. We left home when Jon got home from work a little before noon, the boys slept for a little over an hour and did pretty well the rest of the drive. The traffic once we got off the freeway was miserable but we were excited to see everyone when we finally arrived. The kids had a blast playing with the other kids there. It was hot by LA standards and so Mark and Stacey had a bunch of water toys out to play with. I think the boys threw water balloons for an hour and a half straight! After dinner and Birthday cake we spent a little more time with everyone then put the boys in pajamas and headed home. It was a whirlwind of an afternoon/evening but great to catch up with everyone and see all of our kids play together!

Reed, Kieran, and Ella playing with water balloons

Birthday cake!

Reed, Kieran, Cole, and Caden had a pretty epic squirt gun battle!

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