Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, January 15, 2017

Play Dates

Over Reed's winter break we took advantage of some of my friends and their kids having time off too and set up a couple of play dates. First were Heidi and her three kids. All five kids did great playing together and we Moms even were able to chat and catch-up which was awesome. All the kids ended up working on legos and it was fun to see the different skill levels in action. It was also neat to see how independent Reed and Drake have become.

After the first of the year Auntie Amanda took some time off with Vivienne and we planned a get together at their house. The kids haven't spent much time together before but they played really well  and we had such a fun morning. Amanda made a snack tray they devoured and we played playdoh treasure hunt forever. I'm so glad we got to spend time with Viv and the kiddo hugs when we were leaving were adorable!!!

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