Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, April 17, 2017

Kieran Says Winter 2017 Edition

Kieran is definitely the comedian of the boys. He'll do anything for a laugh and also loves a good chuckle himself. His favorite books are the funny ones and if he gets a laugh when he does something once, you know he'll probably do it a hundred more times.

His catch phrases lately have been "isn't that cuckoo?" "the strategy is . . ." "my suggestion is" and when he gets going on a story he'll throw "like" in almost every other word. He is definitely Reed's parrot and will use words he isn't sure of if he hears his big brother use them. Here are some of my favorite things he's said over the last few months. 

Kieran - "Mom I saw something dangerous."
Me - "What was it?"
Kieran - "Those adults were eating yogurt while they were walking up the stairs!!!"

I was freezing one morning and asked Kier if he was cold. He looked at me, shrugged his shoulders and said "my Billy isn't chilly."

On a particularly pill-buggy morning I told him that he had woken on the wrong side of the bed to which he grumpily replied "no I didn't, there's a wall on the other side of my bed."

K usually recovers from falls or injuries pretty quickly but he took a spill and I could tell it really hurt him. I asked if he wanted to cuddle "for a minute" and through tears he said "maybe two."

We were having our weekly Starbucks date when Kieran started pointing out the window and shouting "someone did something really bad." I quickly glanced to see what horror he had witnessed to find someone hadn't cleared their table outside and had left their trash all over. He got a chuckle out of the woman sitting next to us who agreed people need to have better manners.

When Kieran got super sick on our Portland trip he woke up really hungry and started chowing down on oatmeal. I made him stop even though he wanted more, because I wanted to see how his stomach handled it. I told him he could have more in 15 minutes if he didn't throw up. He told me "but oatmeal is kind of like throw-up."

The Bug noticed a handicap picture on a table we were sitting at. He got super excited and started pointing at it exclaiming "look mom, she's pooping!!!"

On the car ride to Reed's school one morning K declared that "boys have penises so I think what girls have is call highnesses."

I was carrying Kieran to bed when he started patting my tummy and then asked "are you going to have a baby? It sure feels like it!"

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