Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Saturday, June 3, 2017

Take Me Out to the Ballgame

Reed had a great first year experience playing baseball. It was amazing to see his improvement as the season went on. By the end of the season he rarely needed the tee brought out for him and even had a couple of games where he got a hit off of the coach every inning. His running the bases also greatly improved as the season progressed. One of the first times he got a hit he was so excited he ran through the middle of the field. Once he figured out first base he got upset a couple of times when he was tagged out. Apparently that was all it took to motivate him to run faster because he really did kick it up a notch and start pushing harder to get to the base faster, plus he was often rewarded by being safe which only reinforced the need to hustle. I think fielding might be a next season thing. He really just didn't have the attention span to keep an eye on the ball and even when he decided to run after a hit he had no idea where he should throw the ball (despite the coaches often telling him before the up where the play would be). Of course Reed had a big fan base with Nonna, Pepe, C, Tio, Lyla, Zach, Grandpa, and Grandma (who got Reed to his warm-up every Tuesday so I could work a little bit later) all making it to some of the games. We had a great time cheering him on and are very proud of his hard work. We are also very thankful for some very kind, patient, helpful coaches that made this such a positive experience for Reed!!!




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