Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, January 7, 2018

Goodbye 2017

I have lots of thoughts on 2017, but mainly I just think it was a weird/hard/bizarre year, with a lot of fun/laughter/love thrown in to balance things out. The world we live in today is weird and polarizing, raising kids and teaching them to be good humans is hard, balancing work and home is a never ending struggle, health issues can strike anyone unexpectedly, and you never know when life's next curve ball is going to be thrown your way. I have no resolutions or goals for 2018, there is enough pressure from other parts of my life I don't need to burden myself with more metrics, deadlines, or expectations. I also don't want my kids to feel like they need to do those things either. Instead I'm going to be the best version of myself I can be, give what I have to what I can, and be okay when I need to take a break instead of check something off my list.

Having a party with some of our friends always seems to be the best way to ring in a New Year. To say goodbye to 2018 we had a potluck dinner, lots of cocktails, a glow stick dance party, drinking games, a movie, lots of dessert, a group performance of "Happy New Years to You," a few meltdowns (mainly just the children), an argument between Kieran, Clara, and Reed over who was marrying who, and some pretty adorable help ringing in 2018. It was a fun (all though VERY loud) night and a great beginning to a hopefully great year!

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