Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, November 23, 2018

Kieran's Birthday Celebrations

After spending the whole day at Legoland we got up the next morning for the boys' soccer games and then had family over for a Baseball themed Birthday lunch for Kieran. He requested cheeseburgers and French fries for lunch and cupcakes for dessert. He was also absolutely insistent on a Dodgers theme even though they had just lost the World Series.

Sunday was finally Kieran's actual Birthday so I made our traditional Birthday pancakes and he granted me a few pictures with his Birthday crown on. He also got his Birthday gift from Reed and declared now that he's five he will be making his bed!!!

To round out the Birthday celebrations Kieran had his VIP day at school on Monday. Jon and I were both able to go to school to help him celebrate. He loved doing the classroom board and handing out donut holes to his classmates. There was a lot of celebrating over four days but he really loved every minute of it and was so sweet about all of the attention he received.

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