Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Kieran Says Spring 2019 Edition

As Kieran gets older there are definitely fewer unintentionally funny things that come out of this mouth. Lucky for us one slips by here and there and I do my best to write them down.

We were getting ready to watch the movie The Never Ending Story as a family and Kieran asked "but does it ever end?"

Kieran said to me one morning - "If I were you and Dad was my kid I would buy a bunch of bananas." Not focusing on Dad being my kid I pointed out that Dad doesn't like bananas. Kieran replied "I know, so I'd get a pet monkey to eat them."

Jon has a subscription to The Week magazine. One morning Kieran saw it laying on the kitchen table, pointed to it, and said "Dad's poop magazine" (it usually accompanies Jon to the restroom).

We were having people over for New Years Eve and something happened that frustrated me causing me to say Jiminy Christmas. Kieran pointed out that I probably meant "Jiminy New Years."

On the car ride home from school one day the boys were getting sentimental about moving out and not living with Mom someday. I told Reed he would always be my oldest kid and that Kieran would always be my youngest kid even if they didn't live with me. As I pulled K out of the car he whispered "actually I think Dad will always be your oldest kid."

"Do you know what a Birth Grade is? It's the grade you are in when you are born."

Kieran - "Did you know Mommy Juice is a thing?"
Me - "No, what is it?"
Kieran - "I think it's wine."

According to Lyla (who told C, who told me) "when we nap at school and we wake up the first thing Kieran says is "let's get rich!" and then we get all the (play) money."

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