With so many activities and a week of sickness I had to be gone from work a little more than anticipated. To make up for it Kieran tagged along on a couple of my scheduled days off to help me get caught up. First we met up with Auntie P to take a tour of our local Food Bank's new location. When they were moving last year our family made a donation to help fund the move and we got to see the training room named after us as well as all the amazing projects they are working on at the food bank. Another day Kieran helped me setup a fruit display for a customer visit. C and I also were on the cover of an agricultural magazine - don't worry we aren't quitting our day jobs to model anytime soon! Towards the end of the month I helped organize a ladies paint night for our female employees. It was a lot of fun and everyone's "peach themed" paintings turned out great!
We averaged about 4 baseball games a week for almost 6 weeks between April and May. The boys both loved their teams and improved quite a bit from the beginning of the season. They had lots of fans with both sets of grandparents, C, Tio, Lyla, and Zach coming to watch some of their games. They also loved playing on the same team as some of their friends and against teams some of their other friends were on. In Reed's age group they keep score and have a championship game - his team won and to say he was excited was an understatement. We still don't think baseball will be Reed's sport, he just doesn't have the attention span for the game but we are glad he enjoyed the experience once again this year.
We ended our last year in preschool and it's definitely a bit bitter sweet. I'm so excited for Kieran to start elementary school but it's hard to believe our babies are getting so old.
We ended the month with Lyla's 5th Birthday. We had family dinner on Sunday complete with a primo dance party and then attended the Grizzlies Baseball game on her actual Birthday. She was quite the princess and the highlight of the night was when Auntie P had a Birthday wish announced for her in the stadium.