The last couple of months have flown by and things don't look to be slowing down anytime soon! I'm doing my best to get caught up on updates before I get too behind. Other than the big Halloween party we had a lot of fun smaller events that filled out the month of October. Kieran and I started off by going to the Fresno Fair on a class fieldtrip. It was the first time they had taken the Kindergartners and it was chaos - I've never been so relieved to be done with a fieldtrip and so proud to have not lost a child!!! We saw a bunch of animals, including a newly born lamb, spotted our home town's produce display, and got to listen to live music.
On my Birthday, Pepe was presented with an award for his support of UC Davis over the years. It was a special event, and interesting to hear the speeches given by all the recipients (Pepe's got the most laughs). Grandma and Grandpa were sweet enough to stay with all four grandkids and by the time we got home Lyla was sound asleep in Kieran's room so we let her stay put which meant I got to get three kids ready for soccer games the next morning.
Speaking of soccer the month was filled with lots of games. Two kids plus one niece each having a game each weekend, boys and Jon having two practices a week, Jon playing in a coaches soccer game, and me being on the soccer board means soccer was definitely a dominate player in the month.
Grandma and Grandpa hosted a Birthday dinner for me. The boys (with Jon's help) made an awesome Birthday cake and G Momma was able to join us.
We made a quick stop by the pumpkin patch to take a ride on the steam train, attempt to get some pictures of the boys, and let them each pick out a pumpkin. Kieran was in a horrendous mood and after a few attempts I gave up on getting any good pictures of him.
After the pumpkin patch we went to Nonna and Pepe's to celebrate Gran's Birthday. I think I was so annoyed with Kieran at this point I just stopped taking pictures because unfortunately I only have a few from dinner.
Towards the end of the month we celebrated Eli B's 5th Birthday at an indoor trampoline venue. The boys could have jumped all day and were bummed when it was time to leave.
The day before Halloween we headed back to the pumpkin patch with Kieran's class. It's great having Lyla and K in the same class, especially because C and I get to work in the classroom and go on fieldtrips together!
The next day I joined Kier's class to walk around downtown Kingsburg and trick or treat at all the local businesses. They asked the students to dress up as their favorite book character. Kieran asked if I would dress up as Dogman and he would dress up as Petey (the bad guy in the stories). It was a lot of fun and so neat to see how many of the businesses participated. Unfortunately Reed had to stay home sick on Halloween and so he missed out trick or treating at the grandparents' houses that evening. He sweetly told Kieran he could go without him and Kieran nicely brought back lots of treats for Reed.
October was also filled with other dress up days, a ladies night out to celebrate the almost here Johnson baby, Jon's 20th high school reunion, the boys getting to have one of their best friends carpool with us one morning, Kieran winning a top reader award and being announced with his teacher at a high school football game, and lots of other fun moments.
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