Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Well since the last post was very wordy I thought I would make up for it with a very heavy picture post. Reed is definitely not lacking in the love department. Over the last 7 days he has been held, loved, and cuddled by so many wonderful people:

Reed with Mom and Dad at the hospital

Tio Drew, Aunt "C", and the Grandpas meeting Reed in the Recovery Room

Papa Jay and Grandma Kelley

Pepe and Nonna

The lucky "local" Great Grandparents - Cozzi's and Gillette's

Aunties Lee and Amanda and Big Brother Dodger

We are so blessed to have so many amazing family members and friends. The introductions will continue for the weeks and months ahead so I'll try to document all of these tender moments, there is already an "Introductions Part #2" close to being ready.


  1. I'm excited to be a part of introductions part #3 in a couple weeks. Reed is beautiful! We look forward to meeting him in person.

  2. I'm so excited to meet him, hopefully I'll stop traveling so much and actually have a chance! I love the pictures(especially the one of Dodger meeting him), he's adorable!
