So when Jon and I found out that I was pregnant and due in mid-September we were both thrilled and a little anxious. September is one of the busiest times of year for Jon and October has always been a crazy month for me at work. We also weren't naive to the fact that babies, especially newborns are a lot of work. We acknowledged that the first six weeks of our little one's life were going to most likely be a little rough, but that if we could make it through fairly unscathed the next couple of months would be so much better. This last week Reed hit the six week mark and we both took a big breath and relaxed into parenting a bit.
On Tuesday we headed to the pediatrician for Reed's six week check-up. He is still a five star baby and growing like crazy, here are his statistics:
Weight: 11 lbs 6 oz
Height: 23 inches
Head: 15 inches
We are not anywhere close to having a schedule and each day brings something different (going out, staying in, me going to work, a different grandma babysitting, etc.) but we have a few things that have become pretty routine so I thought I would offer you "A Day in the Life of Reed" . . .
Friday November 4, 2011
7:00 am Reed wakes-up, we do a diaper change and then he nurses until about 7:45. Jon is usually heading out the door around this time so we go back to hang out with him for a few minutes before he leaves for work. Unfortunately we find him still in bed and while he rushes around trying to get ready Reed and I play in the bathroom for a bit.
He LOVES mirrors
After Jon heads off to work we let Dodger in, say good morning and give him some loves, and then Reed goes down on his play mat while I get breakfast for myself and the dog.
Around 8:30 Reed has tired of the play mat and all of the silly songs I've been entertaining him with so we head back to his room for a diaper and costume change.
I decide to brave the world of Tummy Time which Reed detests but all the books, etc. make a big deal out of so I try to have him spend at least a little time on his stomach every day. I have found that propping him up a bit helps so we usually use the Boppy or my legs during this time.
Not a Tummy Time Fan
The good thing about Tummy Time is that often crying for the last few minutes wears him out and he goes down for a nap pretty easily. Around 9:00 am Reed passes out in my arms and I lay him down for a snooze.
The once hated swaddle is now a lifesaver
Reed's naps normally last anywhere from 15 minutes to 2 hours so while he is sleeping I usually rush around like a crazy person, trying to get as much done as possible. Today is my lucky day - he is out for a full 2 hours. During this time I manage to do a 45 minute workout video, wash his cloth diapers, sterilize some baby bottles, eat a snack, check my work e-mail, water our potted plants, clean off the benches on our front porch, make our bed, brush my teeth, address some thank you notes, talk to my Mom on the phone, put away Halloween decorations, put away some stuff that arrives from Amazon, go through the mail, pay some bills, and most importantly order Dodger's Birthday presents.
Around 11:00 am the little guy rouses and once unswaddled he begins his stretching routine.
If only you could hear the noises that go along with this!!!
After he is recovered from his nap we do another diaper change and then I nurse him until around Noon. He is pretty content, but wide awake so into the bouncer he goes while I have lunch.
The Blue Bird is his favorite
Now that it is colder we've started walking in the afternoon instead of the morning. Today is also a big day because we take Dodger along with us. The day before my Doctor told me I could resume all of my normal activities (I wonder if he knows this includes walking a 100+ dog that pulls violently on his leash?). Sorry I don't have any pictures of our outing, the baby and dog were already enough to juggle without adding in a camera.
Around 1:15 we get back from our walk. Reed has fallen asleep towards the end of our outing so I lay him down in his crib and have just enough time to take a shower and fold some laundry. He's up again around 2:00. We do a diaper change and I nurse him - do you see a pattern developing??? Around 3:00 he goes back in his bouncer so I can do my makeup and hair (Jon and I are going out, otherwise this step would definitely be skipped over).
Confession - this pictures is from a different day, but
is a pretty accurate depiction of what happens
when I try to get ready usually
At 3:30 Jon surprises us by coming home early and I'm so excited to get to spend time with all three of my boys!
Guy Time
The rest of the afternoon follows suit with the day; 4:00 nap, 5:15 diaper change and nurse, then play time. Around 6:00 my parents came over to watch Reed while Jon and I go out on a "date" (we needed to celebrate surviving the first month and a half).
Smiles for Grandma and Papa Jay
Well that is a DAY in the life of Reed, maybe I should do a "NIGHT in the life of Sarah" post to help explain the bags under my eyes!!!