So while having a dog is nothing like having a child, it definitely does help prepare you, at least a little bit. You can't go on vacations at the drop of the hat anymore, they teach you patience and compassion, when they are young you get up during the night with them, you are responsible for feeding them and cleaning up after them when they go to the bathroom, and when they get hurt it is the worst feeling in the world. I remember when I was pregnant I would look at Dodger and say to Jon how I loved my dog so much it scared me that I knew I would love my baby even more. While things have changed around here in the last few months we have tried to do our best to not let Dodger feel left out of our new family. His arthritis diagnosis has made it a little harder to accomplish this, but I think he understands his new place in the family and definitely loves his little brother.
Mommy, Reed, and Dodger going for a walk
Dodger can't have a Birthday without a few presents and a special treat. This year he got a few new plush toys and his favorite - Greek Yogurt, along with a Birthday song.
Now onto my other baby . . . he is two months old already!!! In the last few weeks he has become more and more fun with his smiles, coos, and even reaching out for his Big Brother this morning.
Oh my how you have grown!!!
Monthly Statistics
Weight: 13.25 lbs
Length: 24 inches
Head Circumference: 15.5 inches
Clothing Size: 3 month outfits are now too small, while 6 month outfits are too big, but 3-6 month clothes seem to be just right.
Can't live without: Baby Bjorn, Sound Machine, Play Mat, Miracle Blanket Swaddler, Bouncer
Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Baby Bear, Duder
Those darn birdies never stop
Where/How Reed is sleeping: In his crib, swaddled, usually with one arm out
Eye Color: Blue
Favorite Moment: Pretty much every time he responds to us with a smile or coo is amazing
10/30/11 First play date (with Cole)
11/12/11 First time away from home without Mom and Dad
11/21/11 Reed Reaches out for Dodger
Embarrassing Picture:
Baby Acne/Rash (he's all cleared up now)
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