I forgot my camera so had to make do with my cell phone - bummer!
It is amazing how much stuff you need to take with you for an overnight trip with a baby. Good thing Grandma has an SUV! Reed did great in the car, sleeping most of the way and entertaining himself with a rattle for the portions he was awake. After some road construction we finally made it to Grover Beach. Although it was a quickie trip it was so worth it. Besides meeting Annaliese and getting to see Kyle and Kari we also got to see one of my Mom's friends, Jill.
Reed loved playing with Jill Baby
Now on to the star of the week . . . Annaliese:
Proud Moms
I'm an Auntie
Baby Switch-a-roo
Uncle Kyle can't believe how big Reed has gotten
Proud Grandma
To precious for words
The expanded Gillette Family
Brody wants in on some of this baby lovin'
Kyle and Kari look so great. Maybe all cute squishy babies look alike, but I'm seeing quite a resemblance between the cousins!