Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, December 5, 2011

What Reed Wore

Walking through kids stores I always thought the boys clothes were so cute, but I never gave much thought to how I wanted to dress our baby. Since we didn't know if we were having a boy or a girl we didn't buy many outfits ahead of time either. Reed has been pretty lucky to get so many adorable outfits as gifts and Mom has broken down a few times, unable to resist a cute outfit here and there. The problem is the little guy is growing like a weed and we've been going through clothes like crazy these first three months. This week I decided I would document Reed's "looks" so that at least a few outfits could get a moment in the spotlight.
The Classic

Tough Guy

The Worker Bee
(yes that is an HMC polo)

The Sophisticate

The Hippie

Penguins - need I say more?

Taking after Mom with his own Puffer Vest

The Military Man
(with some serious spit up to boot)


  1. The sophisticate cracks me up! Such a little man-about-town.

  2. I almost want a baby just so I can dress it up! I'll take a girl because I find baby girl clothes irresistible, I seriously almost buy some every time I go to Target...
