Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, May 20, 2012

8 Months

Wow, eight months already!!! This month Reed has really gained some independence. He is able to pull himself up on a couple different pieces of furniture, can take a few steps when holding onto something, and can cover a lot of ground with his new scoot/crawl move. This does mean a little bit less independence for Mom, because while he isn't lacking in confidence he is still fine-tuning some of his skills which means a lot of falling. I try to be close enough to save him from bad falls, soften other falls, and comfort and encourage him after the less traumatic falls. It is so hard watching your little one take a tumble and not reach out to save him, but we want him to learn to be a little more cautious. We'll see how that goes - I think this kid has a lot of bumps and bruises in his future!!!

2 Months
8 Months
Reed is a healthy and happy eight month old. He is non stop all day, he loves playing with his toys, reading books, walking Dodger, and eating. I won't say we've won the constipation battle completely, but we are definitely doing much better. His eczema seems to come and go without a lot of rhyme or reason. The only thing I think I've found a correlation to is eggs (yolks) so I've taken those out of the food rotation for now.  A couple of shots from last week:

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 20 lbs

Length: 28.25 in (this should have an asterisk by it - I did my best to measure him on the kitchen floor)

Head Circumference: 17.25 in

Clothing Size: He is wearing 9 month and 12 month clothes during the day. His pajamas are all 12 months.

Can't live without: Baby Bjorn, BOB stroller, Soft Sheep, Graco High Chair, Baby Bjorn Bibs, ZoLi Bot Sippy Cup, Any of his Board Books (especially the "If I Were A . . ." ones), Leap Frog Learn and Groove Musical Table

Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Buddy Bear, Bear, and definitely Monkey

Where/How Reed is sleeping: I always lay him down on his back but he almost immediately rolls to his left side or onto his stomach with Soft Sheep in his hand.

Eye Color: Hazel with a thin ring of blue on the outside

Favorite Moment: Hearing Reed say his first word (DaDa) was so neat, but even more special is that you can ask him where Dad or Dodger are and he finds them in the room. These first glimpses at him being able to understand and communicate have been so awesome.


04/28/12  Papa Jay's first solo babysitting gig - both of the guys did great
05/06/12  Reed gets to go to his first bar, "The Hub" to attend a couple's baby shower for the Siegel's
05/11/12  First weekend alone with Dad - again, everyone did wonderfully
05/17/12  Reed begins doing the scoot/crawl

Embarrassing Picture: The bane of my existence . . . Reed's Eczema

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