Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, July 29, 2012

A Day in the Life of Reed

So my plan was to do a "Day in the Life" post chronicling our Saturday activities, that being said we were so incredibly off schedule yesterday, I'm not going to even publish what our timeline looked like, it's too embarrassing. I will say that Jon had to work in the morning and then had a commitment in the afternoon/evening as well, so I decided Reed and I should do something fun and I settled on hanging out with Grandma and Papa Jay at their cabin. We had a great day filled with lots of relaxing, hiking, food, dogs, and harmonicas. I've thrown in a few pictures from the beginning and end of our day as well as a schedule that is "typical" for Reed right now. Enjoy!

Reed's Typical Schedule at 10 Months

4:15 Wake-up, Mom gives him a pacifier and/or soft sheep, he goes back to sleep
5:00 Wake-up, Mom tries to get him to go back to sleep, usually doesn't work
5:45 Diaper change, nurse Reed
6:00 Walk Dodger
6:45 Play with toys in living room while Mom makes breakfast
7:00 Breakfast
7:30 Play with toys in living room while Mom cleans up
7:45 Change diaper, put on lotions/ointments/administer various eczema meds, then read books
8:00 Nap
10:00 Wake-up, diaper change, Reed nurses, then we put on his outfit for the day
10:15 Play in Reed's room with blocks, stuffed animals, board books, maybe drag him along while I fold clothes, make the bed, or do some other chore
11:15 Entertain himself with "approved" kitchen cupboards while I make lunch
11:30 Mom and Reed eat lunch together
12:00 Reed plays in the living room while I clean-up, fold clothes, and do other chores
12:45 Diaper change, then read books
1:00 Nap
2:30 Wake-up, diaper change, Reed nurses
2:45 I let Reed play in his room while I pack his diaper bag or get stuff put together for an activity
3:00 Run to the grocery store or other errand. If we don't need to go anywhere and the weather is nice we might go out and blow bubbles or play on the picnic blanket in the front yard. If it's too hot, I'll put together a box of items for him to "discover" (wooden spoons, plastic yogurt containers, a new toy, etc.).
4:30 Diaper change, then dance party!!!
5:00 Reed hangs out in the kitchen playing with Tupperware or plastic bottles while I make dinner (and enjoy a glass of wine - wink, wink)
5:30 Dad gets home and plays with Reed while I finish dinner
6:00 Family dinner
6:30 Dad plays with Reed while I clean-up
7:00 Bath time
7:15 PJs, lotions/ointments/teeth brushing, sleep sack, soft sheep, then Reed nurses
7:30 Reed is asleep

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