Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, August 20, 2012

11 Months

Reed amazes me everyday as he understands more and more of what we do and say and is starting to be able to communicate back as well. I swear he changes overnight sometimes! He loves life so much and is in a state of constant amazement some days. Maybe it's just that we have finally settled into our busier summer schedule, but this month it just seems like things have clicked into place. Reed has become more predictable with his needs and I think Jon and I have found a good rhythm that allows both of us to bond with our son, have some time to ourselves, and also contribute to the duties around the house. This month brought better (not great, but better) sleeping, lots of yummy new foods, Mom being away at work a bit more, a lot of rearranging of furniture and organizing of drawers and cupboards, and of course so much fun!!! The diaper change and eczema wars rage on, but we've accepted them as part of life for now and are blessed that those are our biggest concerns for our otherwise happy and healthy boy.


5 Months
11 Months
My friend Alisa once told me that watching your child see something for the first time makes you look at it in a completely different light. This week we were having some work done in our backyard and there was a trenching machine being used. Reed was mesmerized by it and stood at the window sill and back door looking out at it operating for stretches of time longer than I've ever seen him concentrate on a single toy, book, person, etc. I have to admit I had never really seen the awe in a trencher until the moment I heard Reed squeal with delight. We ended up both crouched in front of the window watching the machine do its magic, with Reed's arm slung around my shoulder - MELT MY HEART!!!

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 22 lbs

Length: I either measured wrong last month or this month, because I know he has shot up in the last few weeks but my measurements still say 30 inches

Head Circumference: 17.5 inches

Clothing Size: 12 month or 12-18 month for pretty much everything. I'm still squeezing him into a few 9-12 month pajamas in hopes of them lasting until the weather changes.

Teeth: 8 - 4 on the bottom and 4 on the top

Can't live without: Beco Gemini Carrier, BOB stroller, Soft Sheep, Fisher Price Healthy Care Booster Seat, Baby Bjorn Bibs, ZoLi Bot Sippy Cup, Any of his Board Books, Plastic containers (especially ones with lids), his Melissa and Doug Push Toy, Rubber Ducks, and Remote Controls (somehow he knows the difference between the ones that control things and the old ones that we give him to play with).

Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Buddy, Honey Bear, Monkey, and Sweet Pea. Occasionally I throw a "Monster" in there, but since that is one of his Auntie C's nicknames I try not to use it to often.

Favorite Foods: Hummus, Figs, Chicken, Toast, Avocado, Mushrooms, Mum Mum Crackers, Fish, and Watermelon

Words: Reed now almost always says "DaDa" when he sees Jon and "Daa" or "Daayer" when he spots Dodger. He added "Nonna" to the repertoire this month, but uses it for a few things besides Jon's Mom. I get a "MaMa" once in awhile, but it's rarely directed at me. He will mimic me when I say "Ball" "Blue" or "Duck" but doesn't usually say them independently.

How Reed is sleeping: Reed takes a nap in the morning that ranges anywhere from 1.5 - 2.5 hours and one in the afternoon that is about an hour to an hour and a half in length. He goes to bed around 7:30pm, then he usually wakes somewhere between 3:00 and 5:00 am. He's gotten to the point where he is usually able to put himself back to sleep in about five minutes and if not, a pacifier and his soft sheep do the trick. He usually wakes up for good somewhere between 5:00 and 5:30, once in a great while making it to 6:00am.

Favorite Moment: Reed started pointing one day without any coaching, within a week he started pointing at various objects and seemingly asking us what they were. One day I started asking him where the light, Dad, his water, etc. were and he was able to point them out. It's one thing to get feedback in the form of a smile or a giggle, but to actually see cognitive feedback has been AMAZING.

07/30/12   Reed begins pointing
08/10/12   Reed falls and cuts his lip on the edge of a storage container. There was blood, I was scared, there were tears for about a minute, then he was over it.
08/11/12   Reed is able to identify objects/people by pointing at them when we ask him to - "Where is the light?"

Embarrassing Picture: Sometimes life isn't all smiles!!!

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