Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Hurricane Reed

As most of you know I'm somewhat of a neat freak. I know kids are messy, I love making messes with Reed, but at the end of the day I need my house to look like adults live here too. For the most part it is easy, Reed's toys all get thrown in our storage ottomans in the living room or his bookshelf cubbies in the nursery. I've also embraced the fact that sometimes you have to make a mess to have a clean house -  wwwwhhhhaaatttt? I know, I know, but honestly it makes sense. Most mornings when I make our bed Reed pulls all of my bathing suits out of my dresser, but I can easily scoop them up with one hand while holding Reed in the other when I'm done. Another often messy room in our house is the kitchen, when I make dinner Reed usually cruises between his three "approved" cupboards, but what he pulls out over the course of half an hour or so can easily be put away in just a minute or two when I'm cleaning up the rest of the kitchen. I have to admit though, some days I'm still amazed by the mess The Little Booger can make in a matter of seconds - when this happens I usually say we've been hit by Hurricane Reed.

Daily Bathing Suit Inventory
This definitely counts as helping with the Laundry!
A favorite game - take everything out of the ottomans
This took less than five minutes, impressive I know
Too many cooks in the Kitchen
Pillows, for decoration? That's just silly!!!
Sometimes I get to clean up after more than one "kid" . . .
The Aftermath of a Dad and Reed vs. the Stuffed Animals War

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