Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, December 7, 2012

Christmas in a Farming Town

I've pretty much been around ranches and farming equipment my whole life, but this year I saw all of that equipment in a whole new "light." Reed and I, along with all four of his Grandparents, went to the Electrical Farm Equipment Parade in Reedley on Thursday night. The parade started at Reed's usual bedtime, we had to park about 6 blocks away, and it had been chilly and damp all day; we weren't deterred though, and ended up having a great time.

Before the parade started we stopped in to say hi to the Melville's at Pam's store David's. It was nice to get to catch-up for a bit and stay warm inside. They were kind enough to loan us some of their chairs to sit on as well.

Once we were outside we got Reed setup standing on one of the chairs so he could see over the crowd.

Don't worry there was no shortage of Grandparents to hold and cuddle with him, point out the big pieces of equipment to him, and help him wave to the people in the parade.

Here are some of our favorites parade entrants:

If you couldn't tell from the pictures above, Reed was pretty much entranced by the show - not smiling, not crying, just staring for the whole hour. I think he liked it, but it was pretty overwhelming for the Little Guy.

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