Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, December 28, 2012

Christmas . . . Round 4

Having celebrated Christmas a few times already Jon and I had to do our best to do Christmas morning right at our house. It was just the three of us for a bit and we were definitely able too find some more Holiday spirit as we watched Reed discover his new toys. Santa was nice to Mom and Dad and left all of Reed's presents unwrapped. We were able to sit back and enjoy the wonder of a 15 month old a little more that way.

My Parents and GG Joan (aka G Momma) came over a little bit later just in time to take our annual pajama picture and for me to discover a gift Santa had hidden in the back of the house.

Jon made us all coffee and we sat around opening presents and talking for a couple hours. Reed went down for his nap and the men went to work on assembling Reed's final present . . . a swing set from Grandma and Grandpa.

After he woke up, the ladies kept The Little Man busy enjoying games, reading books, and playing outside.

Grandma and Reed making Stink Faces together
Reed's shoe obsession extended into Grandma's clogs
After a lunch break (Jon grilled tri-tip and we made yummy sandwiches) and a couple more hours of assembly, the swing set was ready to be tested out. As if you couldn't tell from the pictures - it got a big thumbs up from Reed.


Yes, our dog is that big

Having a Kiddo in the house just makes Christmas so much more fun. The wonder and amazement in his eyes and the joy in his laughter remind you what life is all about. After a little bit of playing Reed was ready for nap #2, the rest of us watched a movie and put dinner together. GG Joan and Grandma had pre-made the minestrone soup we have every year so we heated it up and I made a fresh batch of bread. When Reed woke up we sat down to dinner and the leisurely part of our day came to an end. Gifts packed up, we said our goodbyes, and headed in opposite directions for the conclusion of a wonderful Christmas day.

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