Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, April 22, 2013

19 Months

This last month has been a whirlwind. It seems like every day has something "extracurricular" planned for at least one of us, we are squeezing in last minute trips and doctors appointments before our harvest begins, and meal planning and schedules have gone out the window, but I'm okay with it because that is how April typically works for us and I know once May hits, and the peaches and nectarines start coming off the trees, life will have a pretty normal pattern for the following six months. Amid our crazy schedule Reed has developed the ability to string two, and once in awhile, three syllables together. This month there have also been a few tantrums. Knock on wood they have all been at home, and Reed still remains a well behaved Kiddo in public and around other friends and family. He has also been a big help in the garden. He loves helping me check for seedlings that have popped up through the soil and is an excellent assistant irrigator.

Reed's sense of humor is developing and let's just say the Kid takes after his Dad in that regard too. Some of his favorite things to do are to mimic Dodger's "poop dance" and to point at incorrect body parts when we've asked him to locate something different, then he starts laughing at himself.

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 25.5 lbs

Clothing Size: Everything is now 18 or 18-24 months
Shoe Size: 6

Teeth:  Still the 12 - 4 bottom/front, 2 bottom molars, and 4 top/front., 2 top molars.
Reed likes: Shoes, Soft Sheep, Pete the Pup, and other stuffed animals, balls, reading books - especially the "Tat Book" (Pete the Cat),  playing outside, Dodger, blocks, going to gym class, bath time, his Grandma and Nonna, rocks, hats, playing with any sort of plastic cup, and anything that has to do with water.

Reed dislikes: Sleeping in, diaper changes, taking his pajamas off, being told no, and having his food cut, or otherwise altered, in a way he doesn't see fit.
Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Reed Reed, Buddy, Monkey.

Food: He loves fruit, meat, and most "carbs."  He usually picks around any veggie I serve, but will tolerate a handful of spinach blended in his smoothie or anything pureed he can dip his other food into. He also had some fries at In-N-Out that he hasn't stopped talking about.

Communication: Reed has a ton of one syllable words and probably a dozen or so two syllables words. He is starting to string two words together more frequently and will attempt to mimic almost any word you ask him to.
How Reed is sleeping: We started Reed on a nasal spray this month to help combat his nasal congestion. Apparently he was getting hardly any air through his nose and was relying heavily on mouth breathing. This has helped his nighttime sleeping immensely. He goes to bed around 7:30pm, then he usually wakes somewhere right around 6:00 am, rarely waking up between. He sleeps in a sleep sack, with a pacifier, a sound machine going, and his two "guys" Soft Sheep and Pete the Pup. He goes down for his nap around noon and sleeps 2-3 hours.

Favorite Moment(s):
Reed has started to help me cook in the kitchen. Mashing avocados onto toast, dumping ingredients in bowls, and his favorite - mixing. We have made blueberry pancakes together a couple of times this month and it has been so much fun. I usually turn music on, ignore the spills, and enjoy our time together. This big kid activity makes me realize how quickly he's growing up and I try to savor every moment of this time together.

03/31/13 First Easter Egg Hunt
04/18/13 First sentences "Dad/Mom sits here"

Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:

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