Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, April 1, 2013

A Good Egg

If you had told me a few months back that Reed would be doing a solo Easter Egg Hunt with 17 adults watching, I would have laughed at the ridiculousness of the thought, but on Sunday that's exactly what we did! I bought some eggs at the Dollar Store last month and Reed was immediately excited about them because he thought they were balls. I decided to try out hiding them in the dining room and let him go on a "hunt." He loved it and we've been playing this game at least once a week for the last month. It was also a great game for me because I could hide eggs and then let him do the hunting while I did something else like fold clothes, or make a phone call. Anyway I wasn't sure how he would do hunting eggs outside since we hadn't played that game, but decided it wasn't his fault he was the only kid at Easter this year and we should give it a go. An extra bonus of only having Reed hunting was not having to worry about his egg allergy with real eggs or plastic eggs full of candies he can't have.

Once everyone arrived and Reed had a chance to open some very generous Easter gifts we went to the front yard to commence hunting. The Little Guy did great, even with a swarm of paparazzi following him around documenting his every move. He actually needed very little help and only had to be pointed in the right direction a few times.

High Fives for a job well done!
It was such a nice day we decided to take advantage of the weather and get a few group shots.

Reed, Mom, and Dad

Papa, Pepe, Reed, Nonna, and Gran

Grand-Uncle Peter, Grand-Aunt Laurie, Grandma, Reed, Grandpa, and "G" Momma

Hunky Greg, Jackie, Grand-Aunt Penny, Grand-Uncle Mark, Auntie "M", and Hunky Kevin

Great Grandma Didi and Great Papa Dean joined us a bit later for lunch to make it a grand total of 20 people at our house. For our first time hosting Easter I think the day was a success.

It seems weird to praise a child for dealing with a lot of attention, but I feel like it can be really overwhelming for a toddler to have his house full of cameras, noise, and Big People, even if  he knows most of them. Reed really was a trooper, so well behaved, and even polite, my heart really did swell when I put him down for his nap and thought of what a special day he had experienced.

1 comment:

  1. So stinkin' cute! And I adore the bowtie.
