Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, June 21, 2013

21 Months

I have probably started these monthly posts in the same way for the last six months . . . telling you how much fun Reed is and what a little personality he is developing. Well nothing has changed! The 21st month has been a good one. Reed's imagination continues to grow. I constantly find him telling different toys stories, having a stuffed animal help him with something like playing legos or puzzles, and a couple of times he has told a tall tale to one of us about an adventure he's been on that day. Much to Jon's disliking he is in love with "cowboy music" and requests it whenever we get in the car. He also is obsessed with learning the names of baby animals and has learned so many that I had to consult the internet for more. People, he knows what hatchlings, joeys, and goslings are!!! Reed has had an obsession with shoes for a while now. One of his favorite games is to get my shoes out and play with them when I'm sorting laundry or putting away clothes. He puts the shoes on all by himself and can walk quite far in a pair of heels!!!

Monthly Statistics

Weight: 26 lbs

Clothing Size: Everything is now 18 or 18-24 months, he has a few 2T tops and will probably be getting more since some of his smaller shirts are getting a bit short.
Shoe Size: 6
Teeth:  16!!!  -  8 on the bottom, 8 on the top. Just waiting for his 2 year molars to come in and then we get a relief from teething.
Reed likes: Shoes, Soft Sheep and Pup to sleep with, Big Sheep to take running, and all his other stuffed animals to play with, balls, reading books, playing outside, Dodger, blocks, going to gym class, bath time, his Grandma and Nonna, rocks, hats, sunglasses, playing with any sort of plastic cup, puzzles, markers and drawing, watching El Perro y Gato with Dad, cooking with Mom, and anything that has to do with water.
Reed dislikes: Sleeping in, diaper changes, taking his pajamas off, being told no, and having his food cut, or otherwise altered, in a way he doesn't see fit.
Nicknames: Reedster, Reedcito, Reed Reed, Buddy, Monkey.

Food: He loves fruit, meat, hemp milk, and most "carbs."  He is hit and miss with vegetables but I always serve them to him and have him try at least a bite. He loves dipping and his sauce of choice is ketchup. Sometimes I have to walk away when he starts dipping fruit in hummus or ketchup, but he LOVES it!

Communication: Reed's sentences have gotten much more frequent and he has started to use "you" and "me" (not always correctly). He has also taken to singing and has a few 3-4 word verses he'll bust out from time to time.
How Reed is sleeping:  He goes to bed around 7:30pm, then he usually wakes somewhere between 5:15 and 6:15 am, I don't let him out of his crib until 6:00 though. He sleeps in a sleep sack, with a pacifier, a sound machine going, and his two "guys" Soft Sheep and Pete the Pup. He goes down for his nap around noon and sleeps 2-3 hours.
Favorite Moment(s):
The morning of Father's Day I told him who was coming over for dinner, he immediately got excited and started to repeat names and tell me he was going to eat steak with them. As soon as he woke up from his nap he ran to the front door and basically stayed there pacing for half an hour waiting for everyone to arrive. He would run in and say to me "all the people here?" and I would tell him it was going to be a bit longer and he would run back to the door. When the first car load arrived he was literally dancing around on tippy-toes waiting for them to get to the door.
Another thing Reed has been doing lately is telling us "Dad loves Mom" anytime we hug or kiss in front of him. It is so sweet and honest it really does reinforce how important showing affection in front of your children can be.

Nothing really big on the developmental front this month

 Favorite Photo Shoot Outtake:(This is what I got when I asked him to smile).

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