Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, July 1, 2013

Escape from the Heat

This past weekend Reed and I headed to the coast to meet up with my friend Sarah, her daughter Alyson (2.5 years), our friend Skye and her son Parker (11 months). Although the trip had been planned for quite awhile it worked out to be a great weekend to get out of town as temperatures sky rocketed back home. Sarah and Skye's drive up from Southern California took forever so once they arrived and got settled in we headed to a park around the corner so the kids could burn off some energy. My other friends Jonna and Sean along with their twins (3 months) and son Keegan (2.75 years) were able to meet us and stayed around to enjoy some pizza too (Reed loved his cheese-less Hawaiian pie). After dinner we played Ring-around-the-Rosie a bunch and then it was time to say goodnight.

Sliding with Sarah and Alyson
Reed and Keegan
Practicing his balance beam skills

Now this is a kids' table!
Reed slept great overnight but the other kids (and Moms) didn't fare too well so we decided to stick fairly close to home for the morning so we could get back quickly when nap time came about. We ended up at the Avila Barn where we all enjoyed feeding and petting the animals, the country store, and a tractor ride. Parker napped during the tractor ride and the two older kids were in a great mood so we decided to hit up the deli and ice cream shop that are also there. I was a little concerned because I hadn't brought more than a few snacks for Reed but we were able to split a steak salad which he devoured and some strawberry sorbet. We headed home and the two older kids went down for long afternoon naps. About the time they were waking up Parker went down for his nap. This meant Reed got to watch one of Alyson's movies during snack time - he thought this was awesome!

College Roommates turned Mommies

Practicing his big brother skills with Skye and Parker


Parker and Reed

Can you tell he was excited to see horses?

Attempt at a group shot

Waiting for the Tractor Ride
Once Parker woke up we headed to Big Skye CafĂ© for dinner. This restaurant was a favorite of mine and Sarah's when we went to Cal Poly and we had a great time sharing it with our Kiddos. After dinner we walked around by the creek down town and even got to see a few ducks swimming. Our friends headed home early on Sunday morning while Reed and I stuck around for a bit to clean, play in the park, and have a picnic. While it wasn't a restful or overly relaxing weekend it was a lot of fun and I really enjoyed my time with Reed and everyone else. On Saturday when we were walking back to the car we stopped to cross the street and Reed said "love Mom" it was so special and I told him I loved him too and what a great time I had with him in San Luis, he followed that up with "miss Dad." This kid is too much!!!

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