Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Monday, August 5, 2013

Fun Day VIII

This past Saturday marked our eighth annual Fun Day. This year's theme was "eighties" and most everyone did a great job of dressing up, including my adorable son. Last year was the first year we had a kid at Fun Day (Reed), not because they weren't welcome, we were just one of the first among our friends to have a child. That all changed this year and we had seven kids attend ranging in age from 4 months to 2 years. This day definitely leans towards adults with one of the main events being a beer hunt, but we tried to make it a little more kid friendly and can't wait for a few years down the road when some of the Kiddos can participate in some games themselves.

Cole and Reed (yes that is a fanny pack)

Reed from the back

Family Pic
Kevin, Shannon, and Baby Clara (wearing cabbage patch hair)
Michelle and Ryan
Lee and Amanda

Nonna and the Kiddos
We always divide into teams for the organized events of the day, this year we used zinc oxide to mark the team you had been chosen to.
Blue Team (Reed wanted to be on Tio and Auntie "C's" team too

Pink Team (also the Winners)

Yellow Team
We did have a few late comers that missed some of the events, but joined in on the fun as soon as they arrived . . .

Karl, Lindsay, and Baby Carver one month from his debut
(that is a beer accident not urine on his shorts, I promise!!!)

Emily, Drew, and Baby Parker

1 comment:

  1. I so badly want a reason to have a copy of the first shot of Reed with his fanny pack on my refrigerator. Can it be my own personal holiday card from you? I mean, really.
