Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Two Down, One to Go

It's official, I'm in my third trimester!!! We've continued to take weekly belly pics and I've tried to keep a few notes on the events of the last three months to share.

Week 15-16 While my "morning sickness" has been around for a while, I'm starting to feel a bit better. I reluctantly start wearing some of my maternity clothing and think I feel a flutter or two of baby movement. I also compete in a 10k race while pushing Reed in the jogging stroller.

Week 17-19 We get some test results back that indicate there may be something wrong with the baby, after a very hard and emotional night we see the doctor and are reassured everything is in fact fine. The baby is continuing to develop well and the only thing that will change is I will have ultrasounds every six weeks through my entire pregnancy to make sure that continues to be the case. We officially decide not to find out the gender and, drum roll please, I FINALLY start to feel like myself again.

Week 20 Jon feels the baby move for the first time

Week 21-24 Reed and I both get a horrible stomach bug and Jon gets a bad cold. Just when I start feeling better I catch the cold. I'm rarely sick and this marks the third time while pregnant that I've been ill, yuck!!! We return to the doctor for another ultrasound and get to see our beautiful/healthy Little One. This is a few weeks farther in development than we ever saw Reed in utero and the baby really looks much more like a baby than he did, pouty lips, chubby cheeks, and all.

Week 25-27 The baby's movement changes to be more of the rolling and pushing variety with a few sharp jabs thrown in here and there for good measure. I continue to run a few times a week but think I'm going to call it quits soon as I'm starting to get a bit uncomfortable. Between Jon's schedule and Reed's inability to sleep in I haven't made it to the pool yet, but think that is going to change very soon as I really enjoyed swimming when I was pregnant the first time around and the thought of feeling weightless is sounding more and more appealing.


Questions that people ask me often:

Do I want a boy or a girl? I honestly don't care as long as he or she is healthy I will be happy. A girl would be fun because Jon and I both grew up with a sibling of the opposite sex, but I also feel like I know how to do "boy" at this point plus we have a lot of clothes, etc. that could be used again. Like I said I really don't have a preference.

Cravings? Same as with Reed, dairy in general, particularly cheese. Since we try to keep an allergen free household I have a "cheese drawer" out in the refrigerator in the garage I visit at least once a day. I don't really crave them but if sweets and greasy food are an option I gravitate toward them a lot more than normal.

Differences between pregnancies? I felt this baby move a lot earlier than I did with Reed. I have gained a little less weight but as Jon pointed out the other day I'm "way bigger" than I was with Reed at this point - thanks Dear!!! I definitely felt more nauseous this time around and for a longer period of time. It is nice not sitting (uncomfortably) at a desk all day long since I only work two days a week, but keeping up with Reed can be exhausting and there are some nights/weekends that I do miss the ability to go to sleep/nap when I feel like it.

What is the theme for your nursery? I don't do "themes" very well, more like general color schemes. We are leaving the walls the French blue they were already painted. The other colors are a light grey, lots of white, and pops of red. Just like with the first nursery, we are reusing some old/vintage items, but are also adding some modern furniture touches. I will do a nursery tour when I have it a little more put together, but have definitely been working on it much more this month.

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