Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Friday, November 1, 2013

Reed says . . . October 2013 Edition

I no longer plan to do monthly posts for Reed. This has nothing to do with #2's arrival, I just always figured two years would be long enough for monthly documentation. By this time children aren't changing as much and the milestones are fewer and farther between. That being said one thing I definitely want to continue to document is Reed's language development. Now that he is putting whole sentences together, discovering imaginary play, is super observant, and is understanding pronouns; some of the things this Kid comes up with are hilarious (at least to his Mom and Dad). It might not be exactly monthly but I would like to do a "regular" post of what funny/smart/creative things the Reedster has come up with recently. Don't worry I'll throw in a few pictures and may mention some milestones if there have been any. Speaking of milestones, last month was a big one:

He got out of his pack 'n play by himself while I was in the shower
He can open a shut door with the knob if he tries
He climbed up on the chair in his room to reach the top of his dresser
Someone other than his grandparents baby sat him ("C," Tio, Michael, and Megan)
Reed got to ride in Dad's car for the first time
He can now reach the light switches in our house and loves turning lights on and off

Now on to the comedy:

I had been gone overnight and I guess Reed's book "Even Firefighters Go to the Potty" had been in high demand. Jon changed up some of the words to keep reading the story over and over again interesting. I had no idea this had happened and about peed my pants laughing when I was reading the book with Reed the next week and when prompted to tell me what the firefighter was doing he said "Taking a Duke."

One night Jon was giving Reed a bath and had to pee. Since the toilet is right next to the bathtub he went ahead and relieved himself while Reed continued to play in the tub. As he was putting himself back together Reed said "Penis, get back in there."

We went out to dinner for Gran's Birthday and in reference to how fast Jon eats I said "Dad's a human vacuum!" Reed followed that up with "No not Dad, just Mom and Nonna." (I believe he was referring to the fact that we are the people he sees with a vacuum - not Dad).

We were outside playing one day when Reed got in his toy car and declared "I go to grocery store." I asked him what he was going to get at the store and he said "Broccoli, bagels, soup, chai tea for Mom and cows milk for Dad."

One morning Reed slept past his normal 6:00am wake up time. When I went in to get him he said "Reed sleep too long, light is orange." Referring to the toddler clock he usually patiently waits to turn from blue to orange before he's allowed to get up in the morning.

When Kyle, Kari, and Annaliese spent the weekend with us they were all able to sleep in until around 8:00 am, Reed was up at 6:00 like usual and after being patient for nearly an hour and a half he told me "Mom turn all those guys sound machines off." Turning off his sound machine is how I wake him up from a nap if we need to be leaving for something and he's slept for a long time, so he must think that is the way to wake everyone up.

Jon bought Reed a Big Brother book a few months back and he loves reading it. There is a part that talks about why babies cry and the list includes that they need their diaper changed, they're hungry, or they're sleepy. Proud Mom that I am, when our friend's baby started to cry while over for a visit I prompted Reed with "why do babies cry." His smart answer back was "because they want to drink milk from their Mom." Beaming with pride I asked why else babies cry, to which he responded "because they want to drink milk from their Mom's boobs."

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