Every book is a children's book if the kid can read! - Mitch Hedberg

Sunday, November 3, 2013

The Final "Stretch"

This last trimester has been jam packed with work, friends, celebrations, etc. Whether for the good or bad this hasn't left me much time to focus on the Little Miss or Mr growing inside of me, save for my weekly prenatal yoga class. I think I'm about as ready as you can be to meet our new child and can't wait to see his or her eyes, kiss their fingers, and drink in their wonderful baby smell. Here is a look back at what has been going on the last three or so months of my pregnancy:

Weeks 28-30: I'm feeling a lot more movement than I remember ever feeling with Reed. This kid likes to move all of the time and I start regularly waking in the night to being poked and prodded. I have another ultrasound and the baby looks great. I also receive daily comments ranging from "you're so tiny" to "are you sure you aren't having twins?" I stop running and unfortunately don't start swimming, but continue yoga and some prenatal workout DVDs.

28 Weeks

29 Weeks

30 Weeks
Weeks 31-33: Now I start to get down right uncomfortable. Sitting, standing, or laying anywhere for an extended period of time is almost impossible and I'm constantly tired. The doctor confirms that the baby's head is down and I start to experience a lot of pressure on my lower pelvis. I attend a Bachelorette party and provide the late night entertainment when the baby puts on a gymnastics show visible from across the room.

31 Weeks

32 Weeks

33 Weeks
Weeks 34 - 36 : Our marathon to get doctors appointments, things fixed around the house, cars serviced, etc. begins. It really isn't a normal week without a minimum of three appointments of some kind! We schedule my C-section, I begin twice a week Non-Stress tests and get my last ultrasound, and everything with the baby continues to look good. Jon gets a new car (which can actually house car seats). I'm disappointed to learn that our Pediatrician is out of town for the date of my C-section and there are no others in Fresno that attend Cesareans. This means it will be up to me and Jon to do our best to keep the baby skin to skin and with me while they finish my surgery, have Jon accompany him/her to the nursery, and allow me to breastfeed in recovery. Tears ensue!!! On a positive note I'm a bridesmaid in Auntie "M's" wedding and have so much fun rocking a baby bump filled bridesmaid dress at 8+ months preggers.

34 Weeks

35 Weeks

36 Weeks

Weeks 37 - 39.5: Jon has to go out of town on a work trip for four days, but Reed and I end up having a great time at my parent's cabin and #2 stays put. Twice weekly non-stress tests continue. I chop off my hair in hopes of having an easier Mommy "Do." I finish up my last days at work according to schedule so none of our back-up plans have to be used. I also go to my last doctor's appointment and prenatal yoga class. Our friends Shannon and Kevin return the baby stuff that they borrowed for Clara and it becomes very "real" that we are adding a Little One to our family soon. I'm able to cook up a few batches of muffins and a few meals and Jon barbecues some meat for freezing so we will have some go to options when we get home. We talk to Reed a bit about Mom not being able to pick him up for a while and a few of the changes that are going to be taking place.

37 Weeks
38 Weeks
39 Weeks

Questions that people ask me often:

Differences between pregnancies? I'm "nesting" way more with this one. My linea nigra is almost non-existent with this pregnancy. I feel like I got uncomfortable about a month earlier (around the 7 month mark vs. 8 months with Reed). This baby is constantly on the move and protests with violent kicks anytime I try to lay down. While my weight gain with the two pregnancies was virtually the same, my belly is definitely bigger this time, and I have to say that this baby is putting way more pressure on my bladder and lower pelvis.

Do I think it is a boy or a girl? Honestly I have a different answer each week. Anything that is different from my pregnancy with Reed makes me think it is a girl (i.e., the nausea, nesting, linea nigra, etc.), but on the flip side my weight gain and how I'm carrying the baby make me lean towards boy. I've only had about half a dozen people weigh in on what they think I'm having and they have been split between male and female (these have included our male farm manager and a mentally handicapped woman in a waiting room by the way). I have had one dream about the baby's gender and it was that it was a he.

What am I looking forward to about not being pregnant? Wine, being able to chase a toddler around a little bit more comfortably, sushi, and going for a nice run!!!

Are we ready to have two kids? As ready as we'll ever be!!! We can't wait to have our family of four and although we are under no illusion that it is going to be all smooth sailing, I think we have done the best that we can to prepare ourselves and Reed for this next step in our life.

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